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Vireo olivaceus (bird)

Mass: 2.6 g

Diet: frugivore based on Stouffer and Bierregaard Jr 2007; insectivore based on dos Anjos and Boçon 1999, Allen and O'Connor 2000, Allen and O'Connor 2000, Verea and Solórzano 2001, Henriques et al. 2003, and Gareca et al. 2010; insectivore-frugivore based on Blake and Hoppes 1986 and Ramírez-Albores and Navarro-Sigüenza 2011; omnivore based on Robinson et al. 2000, Feeley 2003, Ribon et al. 2003, Teles and Dias 2010, and Anderson and Naka 2011

Abundance: 0.00 to 12.43% (median 1.01%)

Latitudinal range: -27.2° to 55.3°

Habitats: (1), desert/xeric shrubland (1), mangrove (1), temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (13), temperate wetland (1), tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (6), tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (6), tropical/subtropical savanna (1)

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Found in 30 samples

Argentina: Toma

Brazil: São Paulo Metropolitan Area, Fazenda Brejão, Uberabinha River, Federal University of Acre, Estuário do rio Mamanguape, Reserva Biológica Guaribas (Sema 2)

Canada: Calling Lake (treatment), Calling Lake (control), Tantramar Marshes

Colombia: Mirití Paraná River

Costa Rica: La Selva Biological Station (gap), Finca La Bella

Guatemala: Puerto Barrios (mist netted birds)

Honduras: Isla de Utila

Mexico: Cozumel Island (birds, 2004 - 2007)

United States: Baldwin County, Hanson, Horseshoe Bend Research Area, Sandrock Cliff (spring), Sandrock Cliff (fall), William Trelease Woods (gap, spring), Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project (1998), St. Catherine's Island, Laudholm Farm, Clayhead Preserve, Meyer Cave, Clive Runnells Family Mad Island Marsh Preserve

Venezuela: Cumaná, Araya Peninsula (tropical thorn scrub)

Size measurements:
16.8 mmN = 1
13.8 mmN = 1
17.9 mmN = 1

See also Vireo, Vireo altiloquus, Vireo bairdi, Vireo bellii, Vireo cassinii, Vireo chivi, Vireo flavifrons, Vireo flavoviridis, Vireo flavoviridus, Vireo gilvus, Vireo griseus, Vireo huttoni, Vireo hypochryseus, Vireo latimeri, Vireo leucophrys, Vireo magister, Vireo pallens, Vireo philadelphicus, Vireo plumbeus, Vireo solitarius

Current reference: Huckleberry et al. 2001 (ER 3215)