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Medzhibozh 1 (horizon 16a)
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Basic information
Sample name: Medzhibozh 1 (horizon 16a)

Sample aka: Medzhybizh 1

Reference: V. N. Stepanchuk and A.-M. Moigne. 2016. MIS 11-locality of Medzhibozh, Ukraine: Archaeological and paleozoological evidence. Quaternary International 409:241-245 [ER 3847]
Country: Ukraine

Coordinate: 49° 35' 40" N, 27° 42' 23" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Middle Pleistocene

Max Ma: 0.399

Min Ma: 0.373

Age basis: ESR

Geography comments: "approximately 1 km west of the town of Medzhibozh, on the left bank of the Southern Bug river"
assigned to MIS11
Qi et al. (2018, Geophys. J. 40:155-177) provide ESR dates on bone of 379 +/- 27, 373 +/- 17, 399 +/- 11, and 396 +/- 13 ka

Lithology: sandstone

Taphonomic context: human accumulation,paleosol

Archaeology: hearths,stone tools

Habitat comments: all the material is from horizon 16a
the fossiliferous horizons in general include "pedosediments, loamy soils, and sandy sediments" but this horizon represents "subaerial deposits"
there are numerous lithic artifacts, and some bones have percussion or cut marks
"Burnt bones are well documented and are associated with charcoals and heated sediments"
"Carnivore activity is rare"
"this assemblage was not natural" but "likely represented the remains of hominid occupation of low bank area located right at the water"

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 222 specimens

Years: 2009 - 2011

Sampling comments: specimens were collected from trench 1
see Stefaniak et al. (2022, Quaternary International 633:103-117) for counts of specimens from other levels within the section

Sample number: 4212

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2023-04-07 22:15:16

Modified: 2023-04-07 12:15:16

Abundance distribution
10 species
1 singleton
total count 222
extrapolated richness: 12.8
Fisher's α: 2.153
geometric series k: 0.5956
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7005
Shannon's H: 1.5760
Good's u: 0.9955
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Proboscidea indet.8
Dama dama clactoniana5162 kg
Cervus elaphus106104 kg
Capreolus capreolus suessenbornensis922 kg browser
"C. suessenbornensis": a subspecies according to Valli (2010, Quaternary International)
Megaloceros sp.3
Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis23
Sus scrofa priscus354 kg herbivore
Ursus deningeri9
Ursus thibetanus163 kg browser-frugivore
Castor fiber9
Current reference: Herzog et al. 2003 (ER 1261)