Shuidonggou Locality 7
Basic information
Sample name: Shuidonggou Locality 7

Sample aka: SDG7

Reference: S. Zhang, Y. Zhang, S. Pei, and X. Gao. 2020. Human exploitation of carnivores in Pleistocene China: A case study of the faunal remains from Shuidonggou Locality 7. Science China Earth Sciences 63(1):132-144 [ER 3824]
Country: China

State: Ningxia

Coordinate: 38° 17' 51" N, 106° 30' 21" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Late Pleistocene

Max Ma: 0.03

Min Ma: 0.023

Age basis: OSL

Geography comments: there are OSL dates "from 23±2 to 30±3 ka BP"

Lithology: not described

Taphonomic context: human accumulation

Archaeology: stone tools,other artifacts

Habitat comments: "archaeological remains are restricted to the lowest four layers (layers 7–10)"
"9901 stone artifacts, in addition to two ostrich eggshell beads and a large number of animal bones, were recovered"
"cut-marked bone at SDG7 provides clear evidence of hominin exploitation... humans were the main agent responsible for the accumulation and modification of faunal remains"

Life forms: carnivores,ungulates,other small mammals,birds

Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash

Sample size: 147 specimens

Years: 2003 - 2005

Sampling comments: "an area of 25 m2 was exposed... sediments excavated therefrom were dry-sieved with a 4 mm mesh"
counts for Ochotonoides, Coelodonta antiquitatis, and Struthio anderssoni are based on the original faunal description of Zhang et al. (2014, Acta Anthropologica Sinica)

Sample number: 4170

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2023-03-15 19:56:39

Modified: 2023-03-15 08:56:39

Abundance distribution
10 species
4 singletons
total count 147
extrapolated richness: 17.5
Fisher's α: 2.427
geometric series k: 0.6781
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8297
Shannon's H: 1.8706
Good's u: 0.9728
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Prionailurus bengalensis13.4 kg carnivore
"Felis chinensis"
Vulpes vulpes15.3 kg carnivore-insectivore
"Vulpes vulgaris": plus two indeterminate canid bones
Lepus sp.15
Ochotonoides sp.1
Procapra przewalskii33
Cervidae indet.26
may include the indeterminate antilopine of Zhang et al. 2014
Bubalus sp.19
Equus hemionus30 grazer
Coelodonta antiquitatis1
Struthio anderssoni20
broken egg shells