Bwindi (Plot D)
Basic information
Sample name: Bwindi (Plot D)

Sample aka: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park (disturbed area)

Reference: G. Eilu and J. Obua. 2005. Tree condition and natural regeneration in disturbed sites of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park, south western Uganda. Tropical Ecology 46(1):99-111 [ER 77]
Country: Uganda

State: Kaunugu disctrict

Coordinate: 1° 1' 30" S, 29° 42' 30" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text as range

Geography comments: "in the Kigezi highlands overlooking the western rift valley in south-western Uganda... the elevation ranges from 1160-2607 m above sea level"

Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest

Altered habitat: disturbed forest

Protection: national/state park

Substrate: ground surface

Disturbance: agriculture,selective logging

WMT: 21.0

CMT: 13.5

MAP: 1650.0

Habitat comments: "The annual rainfall ranges from 1400-1900 mm and the wettest periods are March to April and September to November. The annual mean temperature range is 7-15ºC (minimum) and 20–27ºC (maximum). The vegetation is classified as medium altitude moist evergreen forest and high altitude submontane forest" and the plot is "completely disturbed forest with more than 31% of land cultivated in the past 15-20 years"

Life forms: trees

Sites: 16

Site area: 1.2

Sampling methods: line transect

Sample size: 172 individuals

Size min: 15

Sampling comments: "Four linear transects 1000 m long and running north, east, south and west were established in each site radiating from a point approximating the centre of the site. Four plots each measuring 25 m x 30 m were established at 225 m intervals on alternate sides of each transect. The total area sampled at each site was 1.2 ha giving a total sample area of 7.2 ha" (p. 101)
counts may or may not include smaller size classes counted in nested subplots, but probably include the 15 cm DBH class only because the 15 cm plots were the full 25 m x 30 m

Sample number: 195

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: Albert Garcia Selles

Created: 2013-03-21 10:33:56

Modified: 2017-11-02 03:05:19

Abundance distribution
18 species
1 singleton
total count 172
extrapolated richness: 25.3
Fisher's α: 5.064
geometric series k: 0.7860
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8176
Shannon's H: 2.2000
Good's u: 0.9944
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.