Basic information
Sample name: Rivière-Saint-Jean

Reference: C. Buidin and Y. Rochepault. 2007. Inventaire des odonates de Minganie. Le Naturaliste canadien 131(2):10-16 [ER 1106]
Country: Canada

State: Quebec

Coordinate: 50° 17' 25" N, 64° 19' 50" W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: coordinate based on Rivière-Saint-Jean

Habitat: temperate wetland

Substrate: ground surface

Habitat comments: "principalement des tourbières et des marais"

Life forms: odonates

Sampling methods: no design,other nets

Sample size: 306 individuals

Years: 1999 - 2004

Days: 51

Sampling comments: "odonates adultes" captured with "un filet entomologique classique"

Sample number: 1622

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-05-31 20:26:29

Modified: 2015-05-31 10:26:29

Abundance distribution
30 species
7 singletons
total count 306
extrapolated richness: 46.0
Fisher's α: 8.239
geometric series k: 0.8798
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9307
Shannon's H: 2.9306
Good's u: 0.9772
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.