Full citation
M. M. Díaz. 2011. New records of bats from the northern region of the Peruvian Amazon. Zoological Research 32(2):168-178 [ER 657]
Contributed by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 2014-06-01
Samples: none
Size measurements: Anoura caudifer (body mass 9 g), Cynomops planirostris (body mass 9.00 g), Cynomops planirostris (body mass 10.25 g), Eumops delticus (body mass 14.75 g), Eumops maurus (body mass 24 g), Lionycteris spurrelli (body mass 7 g), Molossus coibensis (body mass 11.5 g), Molossus coibensis (body mass 21.0 g), Peropteryx macrotis (body mass 6.75 g), Peropteryx pallidoptera (body mass 4.75 g), Peropteryx pallidoptera (body mass 6 g), Thyroptera lavali (body mass 5 g), Vampyrum spectrum (body mass 158 g), Vampyrum spectrum (body mass 182 g)