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A. C. Delciellos and M. V. Viera. 2007. Stride lengths and frequencies of arboreal walking in seven species of didelphid marsupials. Acta Theriologica 52(1):101-111 [ER 1344]
Contributed by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 2015-11-01 1 - edit - select
Samples: none
Size measurements: Caluromys philander (body mass 212.3 g), Didelphis aurita (body mass 1033.6 g), Gracilinanus microtarsus (body mass 31.2 g), Marmosa demerarae (body mass 152.1 g), Marmosops incanus (body mass 58.1 g), Metachirus nudicaudatus (body mass 332.8 g), Philander frenatus (body mass 422.0 g)
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