Borsuka Cave (Layer VII)
Basic information
Sample name: Borsuka Cave (Layer VII)

Reference: J. Wilczynski, B. Miekina, G. Lipecki, L. Lougas, A. Marciszak, B. Rzebik-Kowalska, E. Stworzewicz, Z. Szyndlar, and K. Wertz. 2012. Faunal remains from Borsuka Cave - an example of local climate variability during Late Pleistocene in southern Poland. Acta zoologica cracoviensia 55(2):131-155 [ER 3087]
Country: Poland

Coordinate: 50° 9' 54" N, 19° 42' 12" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Late Pleistocene

Section: 3087

Unit number: 4

Unit order: above to below

Min Ma: 0.02735

Geography comments: "Borsuka Cave is located about 20 km west of Kraków, in the Kraków Valleys Landscape Park".
There are no direct dates for Layer VII, although the younger Layer VI has been dated to the Late Pleistocene: 26-27 ka BP.

Lithology: claystone

Taphonomic context: cave

Habitat comments: "Layer VII consisted of dark brown clay in which the numerous remains of small fauna were discovered (including amphibians). There was no archaeological material".

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,other small mammals,birds,frogs,snails

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 308 specimens

Years: 2008 - 2010

Sampling comments: "A trench of 4 x 3 m was situated next to the visible cave entrance and oriented with its longer side along the north-south axis. It covered a ditch of modern times, with dimensions of c. 120 x 120 cm and a depth of approximately 80 cm. In total, the excavation reached a depth of 2.5 m over an area of 12 m2".

Sample number: 3364

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2019-08-26 21:55:44

Modified: 2023-04-29 00:46:24

Abundance distribution
13 species
5 singletons
total count 308
extrapolated richness: 23.3
Fisher's α: 2.750
geometric series k: 0.6879
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7906
Shannon's H: 1.7663
Good's u: 0.9838
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Aegopinella pura1
Rana temporaria54
Lyrurus tetrix1
"Tetrao tetrix"
Sorex araneus9
Talpa europaea1
Meles meles111 kg invertivore-herbivore
Spermophilus superciliosus1
Lemmus lemmus6
Myodes glareolus47
"Clethrionomys glareolus"
Arvicola amphibius3
"Arvicola terrestris"
Microtus sp.89
arvalis or agrestis
Stenocranius gregalis15
"Microtus gregalis"
Alexandromys oeconomus8036.5 g
"Microtus oeconomus"