Pine Swamp
Basic information
Sample name: Pine Swamp

Reference: K. S. Anderson and H. K. Maxfield. 1962. Sampling passerine birds in a wooded swamp in southeastern Massachusetts. Wilson Bulletin 74(4):381-385 [ER 709]
Country: United States

State: Massachusetts

Coordinate: 41° 54' N, 71° 5' W
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Geography comments: "on the northeast outskirts of the city of Taunton" (coordinate based on Taunton)

Habitat: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest

Substrate: ground surface

WMT: 23.0

CMT: -0.9

MAP: 1136.0

Habitat comments: "red maple-white cedar swamp"
climate data based on station 72507 (Providence Airport)

Life forms: birds

Sampling methods: mist nets

Sample size: 177 individuals

Years: 1960

Days: 20

Nets or traps: 16

Net or trap nights: 320

Sampling comments: eight 7 x 40 foot nets placed on each of two trails laid out for two days at a time on ten occasions

Sample number: 1026

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2014-08-15 20:50:13

Modified: 2014-08-15 10:50:13

Abundance distribution
18 species
4 singletons
total count 177
extrapolated richness: 28.1
Fisher's α: 5.010
geometric series k: 0.8113
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8795
Shannon's H: 2.3824
Good's u: 0.9775
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Picoides villosus22.7 g insectivore
Picoides pubescens42.8 g insectivore
Cyanocitta cristata6 insectivore-granivore
Poecile atricapillus3510.8 g
Dumetella carolinensis435.3 g insectivore-frugivore
Turdus migratorius3478.5 g insectivore-frugivore
Hylocichla mustelina1747.8 g insectivore-frugivore
Catharus fuscescens2331.9 g insectivore-frugivore
Mniotilta varia410.9 g insectivore
Setophaga virens1
Seiurus aurocapilla1118.8 g insectivore
"Seiurus aurocapillus"
Parkesia noveboracensis13 insectivore
Geothlypis trichas22.1 g insectivore
Cardellina canadensis7
Setophaga ruticilla18.4 g insectivore
Icterus galbula133.9 g insectivore-frugivore
Quiscalus quiscula11120 g insectivore-granivore
Pipilo erythrophthalmus141.3 g insectivore-granivore