Onthophagus (scarab beetle)

Abundance: 0.00 to 98.00% (median 22.41%)

Latitudinal range: -33.9° to 52.3°

Habitats: Mediterranean woodland (8), desert/xeric shrubland (2), montane grassland (1), temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (17), temperate savanna (14), tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (40), tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (68), tropical/subtropical savanna (24)

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Found in 174 samples

Australia: Kirrama State Forest (rain forest/intercept traps), Kirrama State Forest (open forest/intercept traps), South of Busselton (dung bait), South of Busselton (carrion bait), Wongabel State Forest, Upper Hunter Catchment (mature native woodland), Upper Hunter Catchment (unplanted), Davies Creek (dung beetles, early wet season), Davies Creek (dung beetles, late wet season), Davies Creek (dung beetles, early dry season), Davies Creek (dung beetles, late dry season)

Bangladesh: Dhaka (cattle dung)

Bolivia: Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado (1997 forest samples)

Brazil: Minimum Critical Size of Ecosystems Project (contiguous forest), Fazenda Encanto (human feces baited), Fazenda Encanto (bovine meat baited), Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (diurnal traps), Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project (nocturnal traps), Viçosa (cow dung), Viçosa (horse dung), Ilha Solteira, Charles Darwin Ecological Refuge (open habitat), Campos Novos (feces baited), Campos Novos (carrion baited), Barreiro Protection Area (cerrado), Fazenda Canchim, Morro do Elefante, Morro do Cerrito, Campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Bagé (Eragrostis plana), Bagé (Eucalyptus spp.), Minimum Critical Size of Ecosystems Project (1 ha forest fragment), Minimum Critical Size of Ecosystems Project (10 ha forest fragment), Floresta Nacional Contendas do Sincorá (wet season), Vilela Farm, Area de Proteção Ambiental de Cafuringa (feces-baited), Guajará Mirim e Nova Mamoré (baço bovino), Mata Seca State Park (December)

Cameroon: La Belgique (old secondary forest), La Belgique (sleeping sites)

Canada: Purple Springs Grazing Reserve A, Purple Springs Grazing Reserve B, Purple Springs Grazing Reserve C, Animal Disease Research Institute (1995)

China: Tongling, Decha, Baiyinxile Ranch (horse manure)

Colombia: Elí Farm (howler monkey dung baited), Elí Farm (woolly monkey dung baited), Piritáma II, Serranía de Coroza (dry forest, rainy season), Refugio del Oso de Anteojos, Reserva Natural La Planada (secondary forest site 1), Reserva Natural La Planada (pasture site 1), Reserva Natural La Planada (cropland site 1), Serranía de Coroza (livestock use area, rainy season)

Ecuador: Chiruisla Station, Centro Cientifico de Rio Palenque (May 1975), Centro Cientifico de Rio Palenque (February 1976), Centro Cientifico de Rio Palenque (July 1976)

France: Viols 1, Viols 2, Verdon Valley M[1] (July)

French Guiana: Paracou (roadside forest), Nouragues Biological Field Station (hour 21), Nouragues Research Station (2003 FIT/creek), Paracou (interior forest), Nouragues Research Station (November 2007), Amazone Nature Lodge (February 2009), Mont Grand Matoury National Nature Reserve (February 2009)

Gabon: Ipassa Reserve (large rainy season)

Ghana: Ankasa Conservation Area (unlogged forest), Ankasa Conservation Area (plantation)

India: Thirunelly Forests, Kurukshetra, Singhori Wildlife Sanctuary (mixed forests site 2), Singhori Wildlife Sanctuary (agricultural lands site 4)

Indonesia: Napu Valley (natural forest), Palolo Valley (annual cultures), Toro (natural forest/anoa dung), Napu Valley (young secondary forest), Napu Valley (agroforestry ecosystem), Napu Valley (annual culture), Palolo Valley (natural forest), Toro (monospecific planted shade trees/anoa dung), Toro (open areas/anoa dung)

Ireland: County Cork and County Tipperary (organic farms)

Italy: Ferret Valley (shrubbery)

Ivory Coast: Lola Field Station (savanna), Lola Field Station (forest)

Japan: Ohdaigahara Site B, Northeastern Tochigi Prefecture, Shiraoi (cattle dung), Mukawa (horse dung), Mukawa (cattle dung)

Malaysia: Temengor Forest Reserve (logger camp), Danum Valley Field Centre (Riverine A), Bangi Reserve Forest (secondary forest), Sungkai Reserve Forest (secondary forest)

Mexico: San Jose de la Victoria, Boca del Chajul, Los Tuxtlas (coati dung/nocturnal), Los Tuxtlas (continuous forest), Los Tuxtlas (howlers present), Los Tuxtlas (howlers absent), Jalcomulco, Real Minero, Santa Rosa, San Martín Volcano (forest fragments), Vicente Guerrero (IF), El Jaralillo Cattle Ranch (July), San Martín Volcano (forest-pasture edges), San Martín Volcano (pastures), Vicente Guerrero (PE), Los Tuxtlas (mosaic habitat), Los Tuxtlas (forest fragments), San Fernando (tropical deciduous forest), San Fernando (pasture with Acacia shrubs), Tepexco (June)

Mozambique: Maputo Special Reserve (reserve grassland), Maputo Special Reserve (reserve farm)

Pakistan: Sialkot, Jhelum (pastures), Jhelum (croplands)

Panama: El Hato del Volcan (large traps), El Hato del Volcan (small traps)

Portugal: Odivelas

South Africa: Hluhluwe Game Reserve, Skukuza (control)

Spain: Sierra de Baza (low), Sierra de Baza (medium), Sierra de Baza (high), Salamanca (spring), Sierra de Salinas and Sierra de Onil (cattle dung, May), Sierra de Salinas and Sierra de Onil (rabbit dung, May)

Suriname: Kutari

Tanzania: Majawanga (bush site 1), Majawanga (field site 4)

Thailand: Ton Nga Chang Wildlife Sanctuary (primary forest), Ton Nga Chang Wildlife Sanctuary (secondary forest), Mo Singto Long Term Ecological Research plot (macaque), Mo Singto Long Term Ecological Research plot (barking deer), Mo Singto Long Term Ecological Research plot (sambar deer), Mo Singto Long Term Ecological Research plot (elephant)

Tunisia: Mejerda Valley

Turkey: Cikrikci (2005), Dagmarmara (600 m, 2004)

Uganda: Kibale National Park (K30), Kibale National Park (Ngogo), Kibale National Park (K14), Kibale National Park (K15), Kibale National Park (Pinus plantation), Kibale National Park (Cupressus plantation), Makerere University Biological Field Station (dung beetles)

United States: Jefferson City, Blackbeard Island, Cumberland Island, East of Arapaho Prairie, Arapaho Prairie, Welder Wildlife Refuge (open chaparral), Welder Wildlife Refuge (1985), North of Caldwell (open pasture, 1979), Hutcheson Memorial Forest disturbed field (June/July), Hutcheson Memorial Forest old growth forest (June/July), Rutgers University Bovine Farm (June/July), Lake City Research Center Site A, Lake City Research Center Site B, Brookings County (cattle manure), Brookings County (sheep manure), Highland Road Observatory Park (March), Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project (no harvest management)

Uruguay: Estación Experimental del Secretariado Uruguayo de la Lana (bovine dung), Estación Experimental del Secretariado Uruguayo de la Lana (ovine dung)

Vietnam: Ba Be National Park (dung beetles)

See also Onthophagus \"cervicapra complex\", Onthophagus \"obscurior group\", Onthophagus aciculatus, Onthophagus acuminatus, Onthophagus aenescens, Onthophagus aereopictus, Onthophagus aeruginosus, Onthophagus agaricophilus, Onthophagus alcyon, Onthophagus alluvius, Onthophagus altidorsis, Onthophagus anceyi, Onthophagus andalusicus, Onthophagus andrewesi, Onthophagus anguliceps, Onthophagus aphodioides, Onthophagus ater, Onthophagus atridorsis, Onthophagus atripennis, Onthophagus atronitidus, Onthophagus atroseiceus, Onthophagus aureopilosus, Onthophagus australia, Onthophagus australis, Onthophagus babirussoides, Onthophagus bandamai, Onthophagus barriorum, Onthophagus batesi, Onthophagus beiranus, Onthophagus belorhinus, Onthophagus bengalensis, Onthophagus bicallosus, Onthophagus bicarinaticeps, Onthophagus bicavifrons, Onthophagus bicornis, Onthophagus biculus, Onthophagus bidens, Onthophagus bidentatus, Onthophagus bifasciatus, Onthophagus binodis, Onthophagus biplagiatus, Onthophagus bivertex, Onthophagus bonasus, Onthophagus borassi, Onthophagus borneensis, Onthophagus bornemisszanus, Onthophagus bronzeus, Onthophagus brutus, Onthophagus buculus, Onthophagus canellinus, Onthophagus capella, Onthophagus capelliformis, Onthophagus carbonarius, Onthophagus castetsi, Onthophagus catharinensis, Onthophagus catta, Onthophagus centricornis, Onthophagus cervus, Onthophagus chepara, Onthophagus cludtsi, Onthophagus clypeatus, Onthophagus clypeatus-group, Onthophagus coenobita, Onthophagus comittoides, Onthophagus conscineus, Onthophagus crassicollis, Onthophagus cribellum, Onthophagus cribripennis, Onthophagus crinitus, Onthophagus cupreus, Onthophagus curvicornis, Onthophagus curvifrons, Onthophagus cyanellus, Onthophagus cyanochlorus, Onthophagus dama, Onthophagus dandalu, Onthophagus darlingtoni, Onthophagus darlingtonii, Onthophagus dayacus, Onthophagus declivis, Onthophagus decorsei, Onthophagus deflexicollis, Onthophagus densepilis, Onthophagus densipilis, Onthophagus densiplis, Onthophagus denticulatus, Onthophagus denudatus, Onthophagus depilis, Onthophagus deplanatus, Onthophagus depressus, Onthophagus devagiriensis, Onthophagus dicranius, Onthophagus dicranocerus, Onthophagus dives, Onthophagus doitungensis, Onthophagus duporti, Onthophagus dux, Onthophagus ebenus, Onthophagus egregious, Onthophagus elongates, Onthophagus emarginatus, Onthophagus ensifer, Onthophagus evanidus, Onthophagus falsivigilans, Onthophagus falsus, Onthophagus fasciatus, Onthophagus fasciculiger, Onthophagus favrei, Onthophagus feai, Onthophagus ferox, Onthophagus fimetarius, Onthophagus flaviclava, Onthophagus flavolimbatus, Onthophagus fletcheri, Onthophagus flexicornis, Onthophagus fodience, Onthophagus forsteni, Onthophagus fracticornis, Onthophagus frenchi, Onthophagus fujii, Onthophagus fulvus, Onthophagus furcaticeps, Onthophagus furcatus, Onthophagus fuscatus, Onthophagus fuscidornis, Onthophagus fuscidorsis, Onthophagus fuscotriatus, Onthophagus geelongensis, Onthophagus gibbulus, Onthophagus gilleti, Onthophagus gracilipes, Onthophagus granulatus, Onthophagus grossepunctatus, Onthophagus gulmarri, Onthophagus haagi, Onthophagus haemathopus, Onthophagus haematopus, Onthophagus hanskii, Onthophagus hecate, Onthophagus hidakai, Onthophagus hilaris, Onthophagus hindu, Onthophagus hirculus, Onthophagus hoepfieri, Onthophagus holosericeus, Onthophagus ieti, Onthophagus igualensis, Onthophagus illyricus, Onthophagus incensus, Onthophagus incisus, Onthophagus incornutus, Onthophagus inelegans, Onthophagus intricatus, Onthophagus jangga, Onthophagus janus, Onthophagus joannae, Onthophagus justei, Onthophagus juvencus, Onthophagus kawaharai, Onthophagus kindianus, Onthophagus knulli, Onthophagus laeviceps, Onthophagus laevis, Onthophagus lamelliger, Onthophagus landolti, Onthophagus leai, Onthophagus leanus, Onthophagus lemniscatus, Onthophagus lemur, Onthophagus lenzii, Onthophagus leusermontis, Onthophagus liberianus, Onthophagus liliputanus, Onthophagus limbatus, Onthophagus lindaai, Onthophagus lobi, Onthophagus longipilis, Onthophagus luridipennis, Onthophagus lutaticollis, Onthophagus madoqua, Onthophagus maesaensis, Onthophagus magnini, Onthophagus maki, Onthophagus marginalis, Onthophagus marginicolis, Onthophagus marginicollis, Onthophagus maya, Onthophagus medius, Onthophagus medorensis, Onthophagus mentaveiensis, Onthophagus merdarius, Onthophagus mexicanus, Onthophagus micros, Onthophagus miles, Onthophagus mixitidorsis, Onthophagus mopsus, Onthophagus mucronatus, Onthophagus mucronifer, Onthophagus mulgravei, Onthophagus mulleri, Onthophagus multicornis, Onthophagus muticifrons, Onthophagus muticus, Onthophagus n. sp., Onthophagus nanus, Onthophagus nasicornis, Onthophagus negligens, Onthophagus nigellus, Onthophagus nitidus, Onthophagus nuchicornis, Onthophagus nyctopus, Onthophagus obscurior, Onthophagus obtusicornis, Onthophagus oklahomensis, Onthophagus olsoufieffi, Onthophagus onorei, Onthophagus opacicollis, Onthophagus orientalis, Onthophagus orpheus, Onthophagus orthocerus, Onthophagus osculatii, Onthophagus ovatus, Onthophagus pacificus, Onthophagus paluma, Onthophagus pauxillus, Onthophagus penicillatus, Onthophagus peninsularis, Onthophagus peninsulomerus, Onthophagus peninsulotagal, Onthophagus pennsylvanicus, Onthophagus pguionatus, Onthophagus pilipodex, Onthophagus pilularius, Onthophagus pleurogonus, Onthophagus poenicocerus, Onthophagus possoi, Onthophagus predator, Onthophagus procurvus, Onthophagus proletarius, Onthophagus pugionatus, Onthophagus pullus, Onthophagus punctatus, Onthophagus purpurascens, Onthophagus quadridentatus, Onthophagus quadrimaculatus, Onthophagus quadrinodosus, Onthophagus ramosellus, Onthophagus ranunculus, Onthophagus rayi, Onthophagus rectecornutus, Onthophagus recticornutus, Onthophagus remosellus, Onthophagus remotus, Onthophagus reticulatus, Onthophagus rhinolophus, Onthophagus ribbei, Onthophagus rorarius, Onthophagus rubrescens, Onthophagus rudis, Onthophagus ruficapillus, Onthophagus rufobasalis, Onthophagus rufonotatus, Onthophagus rufopygus, Onthophagus rugicollis, Onthophagus rugosissimus, Onthophagus rugossimus, Onthophagus rupicapra, Onthophagus rutilans, Onthophagus sagitarrius, Onthophagus sansibaricus, Onthophagus scrutator, Onthophagus sellatulus, Onthophagus semiaureus, Onthophagus semifex, Onthophagus semirubidus, Onthophagus semiviridis, Onthophagus sepilokensis, Onthophagus shaefferi, Onthophagus sharpi, Onthophagus signatus, Onthophagus similis, Onthophagus sipilouensis, Onthophagus sp., Onthophagus sp. 04, Onthophagus sp. 06, Onthophagus sp. 08, Onthophagus sp. 09, Onthophagus sp. 1, Onthophagus sp. 10, Onthophagus sp. 11, Onthophagus sp. 12, Onthophagus sp. 13, Onthophagus sp. 14, Onthophagus sp. 15, Onthophagus sp. 16, Onthophagus sp. 17, Onthophagus sp. 18, Onthophagus sp. 2, Onthophagus sp. 20, Onthophagus sp. 21, Onthophagus sp. 22, Onthophagus sp. 23, Onthophagus sp. 24, Onthophagus sp. 24B, Onthophagus sp. 25A, Onthophagus sp. 25B, Onthophagus sp. 29B, Onthophagus sp. 29C, Onthophagus sp. 29D, Onthophagus sp. 3, Onthophagus sp. 30.2, Onthophagus sp. 4, Onthophagus sp. 5, Onthophagus sp. 6, Onthophagus sp. 7, Onthophagus sp. 8, Onthophagus sp. 9, Onthophagus sp. A, Onthophagus sp. B, Onthophagus sp. C, Onthophagus sp. D, Onthophagus sp. E, Onthophagus sp. F, Onthophagus sp. G, Onthophagus sp. H, Onthophagus sp. I, Onthophagus sp. J, Onthophagus sp. a, Onthophagus sp. c, Onthophagus sp. d, Onthophagus sp. denticulatus, Onthophagus sp. e, Onthophagus sp. f, Onthophagus sp. nr asperulus, Onthophagus sp. nr fimetarius, Onthophagus sp. nr vinctus, Onthophagus spinifex, Onthophagus spp., Onthophagus stehliki, Onthophagus stellio, Onthophagus striatulus, Onthophagus strictestriatus, Onthophagus sugillatus, Onthophagus sumatranus, Onthophagus sydneyensis, Onthophagus synceri, Onthophagus taboranus, Onthophagus taeniatus, Onthophagus tarandus, Onthophagus taurinus, Onthophagus taurus, Onthophagus tersidorsis, Onthophagus tricavicollis, Onthophagus triceratops, Onthophagus trigibber, Onthophagus tripartitus, Onthophagus tristis, Onthophagus trituber, Onthophagus tuberculifrons, Onthophagus turbatus, Onthophagus ulula, Onthophagus umbratus, Onthophagus unifasciatus, Onthophagus urellus, Onthophagus usurpator, Onthophagus vacca, Onthophagus ventralis, Onthophagus vermiculatus, Onthophagus verticicornis, Onthophagus vesanus, Onthophagus vethi, Onthophagus vinctus, Onthophagus viridicervicapra, Onthophagus vladimiri, Onthophagus vulpes, Onthophagus wallacei, Onthophagus walteri, Onthophagus waminda, Onthophagus waterstradti, Onthophagus wilgi, Onthophagus xanthomerus