Chrysophyllum (tree)

Abundance: 0.07 to 24.08% (median 0.91%)

Latitudinal range: -29.9° to 12.5°

Habitats: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (1), tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (18), tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (52)

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Found in 71 samples

Argentina: Parque Sierra de San Javier (6 ha plot), Parque Biológico Sierra de San Javier (old growth forest, 1991)

Australia: Iron Range

Brazil: Fazenda Dois de Julho, O Deserto (terra firme), Maracá Island, Pico da Neblina National Park, Rio Doce, Parque Natural Municipal do Curió, ARIE Laerth Paiva Gama, Parque Ambiental Souza Cruz (referência), Martinho Campos (Ustifluvent), Martinho Campos (Ustropept), Martinho Campos (Dystropept), Mato do Silva, Ilhéus (O2), Linha 605 (hectare II), Linha MA-9 (hectare III), Linha MA-9 (hectare IV), Linha MC-2 (hectare VI)

Cameroon: Mount Cameroon (P4), Mount Cameroon (P5), Mount Cameroon (P6), Zoulabot Ancien, Jalope

Costa Rica: Bosque Humedo

French Guiana: Réserve Naturelle Volontaire Trésor

Gabon: Lopé Reserve Site 2, Lopé Reserve Site 3, Lopé Reserve Site 4, Moukalaba-Doudou National Park (Grid #25)

Ghana: Tinte Bepo (Disturbed Forest), Bia Conservation Area

India: Uppangala, Varagalaira, Kalakad National Park (SF)

Kenya: Isecheno (1981), Isecheno (1999)

Madagascar: Manongarivo, Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d'Andohahela (plot 1)

Malaysia: Telaga Tujuh

Nigeria: Idi-Ose

Panama: Agua Salud, Gatun Lake Islands, Barro Colorado Island

Peru: San Alejandro (primary forest), Braga-Supay (high restinga), Jenaro Herrera

Trinidad and Tobago: Mayaro, Crappo-Guatecare

Uganda: Budongo Sample Plot 1, Budongo Sample Plot 2, Budongo Sample Plot 3, Budongo Sample Plot 4, Budongo Sample Plot 5, Budongo Sample Plot 6, Budongo Sample Plot 7, Budongo Sample Plot 8, Budongo Sample Plot 10, Budongo Sample Plot 11, Ngogo (unlogged), Kanyawara (unlogged), Kanyawara (lightly logged area), Kanyawara (moderately logged area), Bwindi (Plot A), Bwindi (Plot B1), Bwindi (Plot B2), Bwindi (Plot C1), Bwindi (Plot C2), Bwindi (Plot D), Budongo Forest Reserve (forest)

See also Chrysophyllum africanum, Chrysophyllum albidum, Chrysophyllum argenteum, Chrysophyllum auratum, Chrysophyllum boivinianum, Chrysophyllum boukokoense, Chrysophyllum cainito, Chrysophyllum delevoyi, Chrysophyllum flexuosum, Chrysophyllum glomeruliferum, Chrysophyllum gonocarpum, Chrysophyllum gorungosanum, Chrysophyllum lacourtianum, Chrysophyllum lanceolatum, Chrysophyllum lucentifolium, Chrysophyllum manaosense, Chrysophyllum marginatum, Chrysophyllum n. sp., Chrysophyllum oppositum, Chrysophyllum panamense, Chrysophyllum perpulchrum, Chrysophyllum perrieri, Chrysophyllum prieurii, Chrysophyllum pruniforme, Chrysophyllum pulcherrimum, Chrysophyllum roxburghii, Chrysophyllum sanguinolentum, Chrysophyllum sp., Chrysophyllum sp. 1, Chrysophyllum sp. A, Chrysophyllum splendens, Chrysophyllum subnudum