Santa Rita Experimental Range (mesquite with clearings)
Basic information
Sample name: Santa Rita Experimental Range (mesquite with clearings)

Reference: D. J. Germano and C. R. Hungerford. 1981. Reptile population changes with manipulation of Sonoran desert shrub. Great Basin Naturalist 41(1):129-138 [ER 262]
Country: United States

State: Arizona

Coordinate: 31° 50' N, 110° 51' W
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Geography comments: coordinate based on Santa Rita Experimental Range

Habitat: desert/xeric shrubland

Altered habitat: pasture

Substrate: ground surface

Disturbance: grazing

WMT: 31.1

CMT: 11.5

MAP: 310.0

Habitat comments: lightly grazed pastures with native mesquite-dominated vegetation
precip 350 to 400 mm according to text; climate data based on station 722740 (Tucson International Airport)

Life forms: lizards

Sites: 4

Site length: 4800

Sampling methods: line transect,visual

Sample size: 362 individuals

Years: 1977, 1978

Sampling comments: four visually censused transect lines each 1200 m long

Sample number: 528

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2014-03-22 13:26:45

Modified: 2014-04-26 03:58:23

Abundance distribution
7 species
1 singleton
total count 362
extrapolated richness: 8.6
Fisher's α: 1.231
geometric series k: 0.4102
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6169
Shannon's H: 1.2930
Good's u: 0.9972
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.