Borsuka Cave (Layer II)
Basic information
Sample name: Borsuka Cave (Layer II)

Reference: J. Wilczynski, B. Miekina, G. Lipecki, L. Lougas, A. Marciszak, B. Rzebik-Kowalska, E. Stworzewicz, Z. Szyndlar, and K. Wertz. 2012. Faunal remains from Borsuka Cave - an example of local climate variability during Late Pleistocene in southern Poland. Acta zoologica cracoviensia 55(2):131-155 [ER 3087]
Country: Poland

Coordinate: 50° 9' 54" N, 19° 42' 12" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Holocene

Section: 3087

Unit number: 1

Unit order: above to below

Max Ma: 0.004

Age basis: radiocarbon (uncalibrated)

Geography comments: "Borsuka Cave is located about 20 km west of Kraków, in the Kraków Valleys Landscape Park".
There are no direct dates for Layer II, although the underlying Layer III has been dated to around 4000 BP.

Lithology: not described

Taphonomic context: cave,human accumulation

Archaeology: ceramics,stone tools

Habitat comments: "Layer II is a humus deposit of black-dark brown colour, 20 cm thick, constituting a ceiling part of the actual stratigraphic sequence. A total of 123 fragments of vessel pottery were obtained from this layer. The oldest remains of clay vessels refer to exploitation of the cave in the Early Bronze Age".

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals,birds,snakes,frogs

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 175 specimens

Years: 2008 - 2010

Sampling comments: "A trench of 4 x 3 m was situated next to the visible cave entrance and oriented with its longer side along the north-south axis. It covered a ditch of modern times, with dimensions of c. 120 x 120 cm and a depth of approximately 80 cm. In total, the excavation reached a depth of 2.5 m over an area of 12 m2".

Sample number: 4076

Contributor: Benjamin Carter

Enterer: Benjamin Carter

Created: 2023-02-20 16:11:36

Modified: 2023-04-29 00:46:31

Abundance distribution
26 species
11 singletons
total count 175
extrapolated richness: 61.8
Fisher's α: 8.447
geometric series k: 0.8409
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7809
Shannon's H: 2.2138
Good's u: 0.9375
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Bufo sp.2
Zamenis longissimus2
Anser albifrons152.0 g
Anser anser domesticus13.5 kg
"Anser anser forma domestica"; also 1 Anser sp.
Anas platyrhynchos135.3 g granivore
also 1 Anseriformes indet.
Lyrurus tetrix2
"Tetrao tetrix"
Tetrastes bonasia1
"Bonasa bonasia"
Perdix perdix1418 g
Gallus gallus domesticus929.1 g frugivore-granivore
"Gallus gallus forma domestica"
Crex crex3169 g
Scolopax rusticola117.5 g insectivore
Columba sp.1
also 4 Aves indet.
Vulpes vulpes765.3 kg carnivore-insectivore
Meles meles1111 kg invertivore-herbivore
Felis silvestris14.5 kg carnivore
Caprinae indet.8
Bos taurus3337 kg
Sciurus vulgaris1311 g
Cricetus cricetus2
Arvicola amphibius11
"Arvicola terrestris"
Microtus subterraneus1
Microtus sp.16
arvalis or agrestis
Alexandromys oeconomus236.5 g
"Microtus oeconomus"
Apodemus sp.3
sylvaticus or flavicollis
Glis glis1
Lepus sp.14