Pasoh Forest Reserve (virgin forest) Pasoh Forest Reserve (regenerating forest) Nyong River Makerere University Biological Field Station (unlogged) Makerere University Biological Field Station (logged) Budongo Forest Reserve Compartment N3 Cascades Region (2011) Kumbira Forest Shasha Forest Reserve (36 mm mesh) Shasha Forest Reserve (61 mm mesh) Umdoni Park Makerere University Biological Field Station Compartment K-15 Cape Receife Cuc Phuong National Park (birds) Kuala Keniam Uluguru South Forest Reserve Basecamp 3 Wat Phai Lom (1970) Cangandala National Park Berkelah Hill Dipterocarp Rainforest Reserve Maran (thirty year old logged forest) Sokoke Forest (lowland rain forest) Oromia Region (coffee captures) Oromia Region (forest captures) Mangala Forest Reserve (pre-fire) Mangala Forest Reserve (eight months post-fire) Jos Wildlife Park Bunduki Forest Reserve (cold season) Bunduki Forest Reserve (hot season) Bossematié Forest (selective cleaning) Bossematié Forest (control) Shunhuang Shan Nature Reserve Tuanan Nyeri County Sahambaky, Mahatsara, and Maromizaha Balmoral Copper Chalice Mwinilunga Kakamega Forest Tonqani Mt Camagong Samole (wet season) Samole (dry season) Réserve Naturella d'Intégrale d'Andringitra (720 m) Réserve Naturella d'Intégrale d'Andringitra (810 m) Réserve Naturella d'Intégrale d'Andringitra (1210 m) The Ecological Register
Terpsiphone (bird): 44 samples
Standardised estimates are produced by subsampling and then extrapolating.
Raw richness may be higher when an abundance distribution is uneven.