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Felis nigripes (carnivore)

Mass: 1.6 kg based on Sliwa 2004 and Stuart 1981

Diet: carnivore based on Stuart 1981 and Kamler et al. 2015

Abundance: 0.01 to 0.12% (median 0.04%)

Latitudinal range: -29.3° to -27.6°

Habitats: (3), tropical/subtropical savanna (1)

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Found in 4 samples

South Africa: Drakensberg Midlands, Equus Cave (Unit 1A), Equus Cave (Unit 1B), Equus Cave (Unit 2B)

Size measurements:
♀ body mass1600 kgN = 1Sliwa 2004
♀ body mass1100 kgN = 1Sliwa 2004
♀ body mass1650 kgN = 1Sliwa 2004
♀ body mass1300 kgN = 1Sliwa 2004
♀ body mass1300 kgN = 1Sliwa 2004
♀ body mass1400 kgN = 1Sliwa 2004
♀ body mass1250 kgN = 1Sliwa 2004
♀ body mass1200 kgN = 1Sliwa 2004
♂ body mass1900 kgN = 1Sliwa 2004
♂ body mass2100 kgN = 1Sliwa 2004
♂ body mass2250 kgN = 1Sliwa 2004
♂ body mass1950 kgN = 1Sliwa 2004
♂ body mass2400 kgN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ body mass1900 kgN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ body mass1700 kgN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ ear length45 mmN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ ear length58 mmN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ ear length57 mmN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ head and body length437 mmN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ head and body length490 mmN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ head and body length414 mmN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ hind foot length95 mmN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ hind foot length102 mmN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ hind foot length109 mmN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ tail length150 mmN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ tail length180 mmN = 1Stuart 1981
♂ tail length200 mmN = 1Stuart 1981

See also Felis, Felis catus, Felis chaus, Felis lunensis, Felis lybica, Felis margarita, Felis silvestris, Felis sp., Felis spp., Felis teilhardi

Current reference: Huckleberry et al. 2001 (ER 3215)