Felidae indet. (carnivore)

Abundance: 0.03 to 2.67% (median 0.77%)

Latitudinal range: -38.6° to 45.4°

Habitats: (14) only

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Found in 14 samples

Algeria: Ain Boucherit (Upper)

Argentina: Paso Otero 4 (water well)

Brazil: Poço Redondo

China: Shuangta, Yanlidong (Early Stage)

Iran: Wezmeh Cave

Laos: Tam Ngu Hao 2

Lebanon: Moghr el-Ahwal Cave 3 (Phases F & E)

Spain: Huéscar 1

Thailand: Spirit Cave (Layer 4)

United States: Zesch Cave, North Creek Shelter (Paleoarchaic), Natural Chimneys

Zambia: Leopard's Hill Cave (Pre-Nachikufan)

See also Felidae, Felidae indet. 1, Felidae indet. 2, Felidae indet. I, Felidae indet. II, Felidae indet. large, Felidae indet. small