Felsotarkany 3/10
Basic information
Sample name: Felsotarkany 3/10

Sample aka: FT 3/10

Reference: J. Hír and J. Kókay. 2010. A systematic study of the middle-late Miocene rodents and lagomorphs (Mammalia) of Felsotarkany 3/8 and 3/10 (Northern Hungary) with stratigraphical relations. Geodiversitas 32(2):307-329 [ER 3926]
Country: Hungary

State: Northern Hungary

Coordinate: 47.977779° N, 20.400278° E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Formation: Güdör-kert section

Time interval: Middle Miocene

Zone: MN9

Age basis: zone

Geography comments: FT 3/10 is situated northwest of the town of Felsőtârkâny, Eger District, Heves County, and is located just north of FT 3/8

The locality is dated to MN9 (middle-late Miocene) based on both molluscan and vertebrate fauna

Lithology: claystone

Taphonomic context: lake deposit

Habitat comments: "brown clay lens...clearly bedded above the locality FT 3/8"

Facies are indicative of deposition in "a low energy, subaqueous environment with lacustrine or lagoonal margin sedimentary successions"

Life forms: rodents,other small mammals

Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash

Sample size: 96 specimens

Years: 2005, 2006

Sampling comments: ~4 tons of sediment was screen-washed from FT 3/10

"The fossiliferous lens of this locality was completely excavated"

Lowest sieve size of "0.5 or 0.6 mm"

A rich assemblage of molluscan fauna was also recovered from FT 3/10 with no counts given. The taxa list is given in the text

Sample number: 4328

Contributor: Jack Nesbitt

Enterer: Jack Nesbitt

Created: 2023-07-11 13:29:35

Modified: 2023-09-11 10:57:33

Abundance distribution
13 species
5 singletons
total count 96
extrapolated richness: 28.4
Fisher's α: 4.055
geometric series k: 0.7109
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.5862
Shannon's H: 1.4872
Good's u: 0.9484
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.