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Tham Lod rockshelter (Unit 3)
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Basic information
Sample name: Tham Lod rockshelter (Unit 3)

Reference: R. Shoocongdej and A. Wattanapituksakul. 2020. Faunal assemblages and demography during the Late Pleistocene (MIS 2-1) to Early Holocene in Highland Pang Mapha, Northwest Thailand. Quaternary International 563:51-63 [ER 3710]
Country: Thailand

State: Mae Hong Son

Coordinate: 19° 34' 19" N, 98° 16' 38" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Late Pleistocene

Section: 3710

Unit number: 3

Unit order: below to above

Max Ma: 0.01364

Min Ma: 0.01155

Age basis: radiocarbon (uncalibrated)

Geography comments: "Tham Lod rockshelter is located in the Tham Lod Nature and Wildlife Educational Center in northern Thailand, approximately 640 m above sea level, and 250 m from the Lang River".
Based on several radiocarbon ages, the upper part of the sequence (Unit 3) is dated to between 11,550 and 13,640 years BP".

Lithology: not described

Taphonomic context: human accumulation,rock shelter

Archaeology: burials,stone tools

Habitat comments: "The rockshelter forms part of a huge semi-circular karstic limestone doline, facing to the north. The karstic features are developed in Middle Carboniferous limestones".
"Based on the stratigraphic profile and chronological data, the sequence is divided into three main geoarchaeological units or "Cultural Layers" that can be correlated to the successive settlement phases". The third cultural layer (Unit 3), the upper part of the sequence, "includes the burials of four human skeletons that are contemporaneous with the last period of the second settlement".
"The Tham Lod lithic assemblage involved a total of 102,386 items recovered from all three cultural layers. These can be subdivided into cores, flake tools, and pebbles, with the majority being produced from locally available grey sandstone cobbles and pebbles collected from the nearby Lang River". The site "appears to have been used as a lithic workshop (tool manufacturing and maintenance), as supported by the high densities of lithic artifacts and refuse".

Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates,turtles,fishes

Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash

Sample size: 388 specimens

Years: 2002

Sampling comments: "In 2002, the Highland Archaeology Project excavated three areas at the base of the rockshelter, covering a transect from the cliff slope to the lower plain: Area 1 (a 6 m2 trench), Area 2 (a 12 m2 trench), and Area 3 (an 18 m2 trench)".
The register below corresponds to the remains found throughout Cultural Layer 2.2 (Unit 3) across all three excavation areas.

Sample number: 3930

Contributor: Benjamin Carter

Enterer: Benjamin Carter

Created: 2022-03-26 12:32:01

Modified: 2023-05-30 00:31:19

Abundance distribution
19 species
2 singletons
total count 388
extrapolated richness: 25.5
Fisher's α: 4.185
geometric series k: 0.7873
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8830
Shannon's H: 2.3691
Good's u: 0.9949
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Colobinae indet.2
Ursus thibetanus363 kg browser-frugivore
also 4 "Ursus spp." and 7 Carnivora indet.
Elephas sp.1
Rhinoceros sondaicus2
Sus scrofa1054 kg herbivore
Muntiacus sp.24
Cervus eldii21
"Panolia eldii"
Cervus unicolor74100 kg grazer-browser
"Rusa unicolor"; also 41 Cervus sp. "Panolia/Rusa sp."
Axis sp.67
also 61 Cervidae indet.
Bubalus arnee3
Bos gaurus41481 kg
Bos javanicus30488 kg
Capricornis sumatraensis11
Naemorhedus griseus41
Naemorhedus goral425 kg
Cannomys badius1
also 3 Rhizomyinae indet.
Hystricidae indet.4
Testudines indet.45
also 2 Reptilia indet.
Cyprinidae indet.4
Current reference: Huckleberry et al. 2001 (ER 3215)