Equus Cave (Unit 1A)
Basic information
Sample name: Equus Cave (Unit 1A)

Reference: R. G. Klein, K. Cruz-Uribe, and P. B. Beaumont. 1991. Environmental, ecological, and paleoanthropological implications of the late Pleistocene mammalian fauna from Equus Cave, northern Cape Province, South Africa. Quaternary Research 36(1):94-119 [ER 3107]
Country: South Africa

State: North West

Coordinate: 27° 37' S, 24° 37' E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Holocene

Section: 3107

Unit number: 1

Unit order: above to below

Max Ma: 0.00748

Min Ma: 0.00239

Age basis: radiocarbon (uncalibrated)

Geography comments: "Equus Cave is located on the Gaap Escarpment at Norlim (formerly Buxton), near Taung in the northern Cape Province (now North West) of South Africa".
"Two radiocarbon dates - 2390 +/- 60 yr B.P. (Pta-2452) on charcoal from near the middle of 1A and 7480 +/- 80 yr B.P. (Pta-2495) on ostrich eggshell from near its base - indicate that 1A dates from the Holocene".

Lithology: sandstone

Taphonomic context: cave,human accumulation

Archaeology: bone tools

Habitat comments: "Unit 1A ia a layer of grayish-brown sandy loam up to 50 cm thick. The entire sequence is rich in animal bones, and 1A also contains typical Later Stone Age bone points".
"The relative abundance of artifacts, the small number of porcupine gnawed bones, and the rarity of coprolites suggest that people were the main bone collectors in Unit 1A".

Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 828 specimens

Years: 1978, 1982

Sampling comments: "The first systematic excavations of Equus Cave took place in 1978 and were extended in 1982. A grid of squares 1 m on a side was laid down, and the excavation proceeded according to arbitrary 7.5-cm-deep levels or “spits” within four poorly defined natural stratigraphic units: lA, lB, 2A, and 2B".

Sample number: 3393

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2019-08-29 12:18:44

Modified: 2023-04-29 01:04:59

Abundance distribution
33 species
4 singletons
total count 828
extrapolated richness: 45.5
Fisher's α: 6.876
geometric series k: 0.8403
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8569
Shannon's H: 2.5115
Good's u: 0.9952
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Leporidae indet.27
Pedetes capensis52.4 kg
Hystrix africaeaustralis915 kg browser
Papio ursinus6220 kg
Homo sapiens364 kg
Canis mesomelas2627.9 kg carnivore
Vulpes chama442.7 kg carnivore-frugivore
Otocyon megalotis33.2 kg frugivore-invertivore
161 Vulpini indet. "Cape/bat-eared fox"
Mellivora capensis17.7 kg carnivore-invertivore
Herpestes ichneumon52.9 kg carnivore-insectivore
Cynictis penicillata2910 g insectivore-carnivore
Crocuta crocuta266 kg carnivore
41 Hyaenidae indet.
Parahyaena brunnea3548 kg
"Hyaena brunnea"
Felis lybica4
Felis nigripes11.6 kg carnivore
also 15 Felis sp. "Wildcat/black-footed cat"
Caracal caracal412 kg carnivore
"Felis caracal"
Panthera pardus333 kg carnivore
3 Felinae indet. "Leopard/cheetah"
Orycteropus afer140 kg insectivore
Procavia capensis1212.8 kg browser
Equus quagga burchellii37279 kg grazer
"Equus burchelli"
Phacochoerus africanus2182 kg grazer-browser
"Phacochoerus aethiopicus"
Taurotragus oryx3393 kg browser-grazer
Tragelaphus strepsiceros2189 kg browser-grazer
Hippotragus sp.3
Redunca fulvorufula2929 kg
Pelea capreolus1416 kg grazer
Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi783 kg grazer-browser
"Damaliscus dorcas"
Connochaetes taurinus4202 kg grazer-browser
21 Alcelaphinae indet.
Antidorcas marsupialis3640 kg browser-grazer
Raphicerus campestris449.7 kg browser-grazer
Sylvicapra grimmia2213 kg browser-grazer
Ovis aries1141 kg
Syncerus caffer1548 kg grazer-browser