Manaus (degraded)
Basic information
Sample name: Manaus (degraded)

Reference: C. S. Monteiro-Jùnior, L. Juen, and N. Hamada. 2014. Effects of urbanization on stream habitats and associated adult dragonfly and damselfly communities in central Brazilian Amazonia. Landscape and Urban Planning 127:28-40 [ER 2249]
Country: Brazil

State: Amazonas

Coordinate: 3° 3' S, 60° 0' W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Geography comments: 11 sites "in the municipality of Manaus"

Habitat: tropical/subtropical upland river

Altered habitat: inhabited area

Protection: unprotected

Substrate: water edge

MAP: 2300.0

Habitat comments: "within the urbanized portions of the city... The region’s climate is of the equatorial hot and humid Am type, according to the current Köppen climate classification... with two well-defined climatic seasons (a rainy season between November and June, and a dry season between July and October) and average annual rainfall ranging from 2200 to 2400mm... partial or total removal of vegetation from" stream "banks and pollution from domestic or industrial effluents that are discharged directly into the streams"

Life forms: odonates

Sites: 11

Sampling methods: line transect,other nets

Sample size: 273 individuals

Years: 2010, 2011

Seasons: dry,wet or monsoon

Sampling comments: "Samples were collected on the banks of each stream during two different periods... from November to December 2010 (rainy season) and June to July 2011 (dry season)... Each site was sampled twice for 90 min, on average, by two collectors... Adults were collected according to the protocol of De Marco (1998), which involves sweeping a set area (a 100 m stretch on each bank of the stream and divided into five segments of 20m) with an entomological hand-net"

Sample number: 2309

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2016-10-21 09:38:28

Modified: 2020-01-14 07:37:43

Abundance distribution
18 species
4 singletons
total count 273
extrapolated richness: 28.1
Fisher's α: 4.326
geometric series k: 0.7954
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8759
Shannon's H: 2.2906
Good's u: 0.9854
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.