Hog Island
Basic information
Sample name: Hog Island

Reference: J. F. Barimo and D. R. Young. 2002. Grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae) - plant-environmental interactions in relation to zonation on an Atlantic Coast barrier island. Environmental Entomology 31(6):1158-1167 [ER 2176]
Country: United States

State: Virginia

Coordinate: 37° 40' N, 75° 40' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: "on the northern end of Hog Island... 15 km offshore"

Habitat: temperate savanna

Substrate: ground surface

Habitat comments: "strand, incipient foredune, wet swale or dune slack, established foredune, and thicketed swale"

Life forms: orthopterans

Sampling methods: line transect,sweep nets

Sample size: 480 individuals

Years: 1997

Days: 9

Seasons: winter,summer,autumn

Sampling comments: "Six parallel transects at 25-m intervals were established... Transects were 180 m long with sampling points at 10-m intervals, were nor- mal to the shoreline, originated at the mean high tide line, and ended at the edge of the thicket... At each sample point, 10 standardized sweeps with an insect net (40 cm diam) covered a 2.25-m2 area... Transects were sampled at 2-wk intervals from mid-July through October, and again in mid-December 1997" (works out to about 9 sampling events)

Sample number: 2198

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2016-08-05 15:21:21

Modified: 2016-08-05 05:21:21

Abundance distribution
5 species
0 singletons
total count 480
extrapolated richness: 5.1
Fisher's α: 0.778
geometric series k: 0.5081
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6728
Shannon's H: 1.2768
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.