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Basic information
Sample name: Raleigh-Durham

Reference: R. Kays and A. W. Parsons. 2014. Mammals in and around suburban yards, and the attraction of chicken coops. Urban Ecosystems 17:691-705 [ER 1768]
Country: United States

State: North Carolina

Coordinate: 35° 47' N, 78° 38' W
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Geography comments: "approximately 11,500 km2 surrounding Raleigh, North Carolina" also including the Durham area; sites are mostly clustered around Raleigh (basis of coordinate)

Habitat: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest

Altered habitat: combined

Protection: unprotected

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 15.3

MAP: 1090.0

Habitat comments: "predominantly urban and suburban with pockets of agricultural land and natural areas... Natural areas within the study site consist predominantly of oak-dominated mixed hardwood forest"
climate data are for leigh-Durham International Airport and are from Osland et al. (2009, Castanea)

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals,birds

Sites: 32

Site area: 1000000

Sampling methods: no design,automatic cameras

Sample size: 2228 captures or sightings

Years: 2012

Seasons: spring,summer

Nets or traps: 64

Net or trap nights: 1003

Camera type: digital

Cameras paired: no

Sampling comments: "Camera trap surveys were conducted from March to July 2012. We worked with volunteer households to deploy Reconyx PC800 Hyperfire (Reconyx, Inc. Holmen, WI) motion-sensitive camera traps equipped with an infrared flash at 32 paired sites throughout the study area... One site within each pair contained an active chicken coop and was in close proximity (100 m-500 m) to a paired site without a chicken-coop... Volunteers ran cameras continuously for 2 weeks at each site. Cameras ran 24 h a day"

Sample number: 1972

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2016-01-26 11:13:22

Modified: 2020-01-14 05:31:29

Abundance distribution
20 species
3 singletons
total count 2228
extrapolated richness: 26.5
Fisher's α: 3.029
geometric series k: 0.6936
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7323
Shannon's H: 1.7892
Good's u: 0.9987
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Cyanocitta cristata1 insectivore-granivore
Cardinalis cardinalis143.5 g insectivore-granivore
Quiscalus quiscula1120 g insectivore-granivore
Strix varia2632 g
Canis latrans212 kg carnivore-insectivore
Lynx rufus39.0 kg carnivore
Meleagris gallopavo67.8 kg omnivore
Canis lupus familiaris1043 kg carnivore
"Canis familiaris"
Zenaida macroura17123 g granivore-frugivore
Tamias striatus18113 g frugivore-insectivore
Rattus norvegicus20300 g
Corvus sp.22
Urocyon cinereoargenteus394.1 kg frugivore-carnivore
Turdus migratorius7178.5 g insectivore-frugivore
Didelphis virginiana882.2 kg insectivore-carnivore
Sylvilagus floridanus1301.1 kg herbivore
Odocoileus virginianus17875 kg herbivore
Procyon lotor2235.5 kg carnivore-granivore
Felis catus352
Sciurus carolinensis1044519 g frugivore
Current reference: Huckleberry et al. 2001 (ER 3215)