Deramakot Forest Reserve
Basic information
Sample name: Deramakot Forest Reserve

Reference: H. Samejima, R. Ong, P. Lagan, and K. Kitayama. 2012. Camera-trapping rates of mammals and birds in a Bornean tropical rainforest under sustainable forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 270:248-256 [ER 1721]
Country: Malaysia

State: Sabah

Coordinate: 5° 20' 30" N, 117° 27' 0" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text as range

Geography comments: altitude 30 to 330 m

Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest

Altered habitat: secondary forest

Protection: forest reserve

Substrate: ground surface

Disturbance: selective logging

MAT: 25.2

MAP: 3098.0

Habitat comments: "lowland mixed dipterocarp forest... almost all areas were conventionally logged up to 1987... 21% of the area of Deramakot is fully protected... Hunting pressure is low"
there is "no clear seasonality"
climate data are for Deramakot Forest Reserve and are from Ong et al. (2013, in Kitayama)

Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals,birds,lizards

Site area: 1178.1

Sampling methods: no design,automatic cameras

Sample size: 3883 captures or sightings

Nets or traps: 45

Net or trap nights: 11550

Camera type: analog

Cameras paired: no

Sampling comments: work was conducted "from February 2008 to September 2009... We chose 20 plots in a systematic manner... Plots were established at an interval of approximately 5 km... Each plot was a circle with diameter of 1km. We randomly selected 12 set points within each plot... We used an automatic film camera with a passive infrared sensor... In each plot, we could only use three cameras at any given time. Thus, we set the cameras at three set points for a particular period and then moved them to another three points every 3–5 months"; there were 770 randomly selected "active camera-days" per plot, and 15 plots are included in the pre-harvested area total
site area 15 plots x 1 km x pi/4

Sample number: 1918

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2016-01-13 19:11:39

Modified: 2016-12-15 04:18:02

Abundance distribution
36 species
5 singletons
total count 3883
extrapolated richness: 45.3
Fisher's α: 5.485
geometric series k: 0.8235
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9000
Shannon's H: 2.6728
Good's u: 0.9987
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Argusianus argus grayi3482.4 kg insectivore-frugivore
Lophura ignita nobilis199 insectivore-frugivore
Macaca nemestrina2947.7 kg
Cervus unicolor123100 kg grazer-browser
"Rusa unicolor"
Arborophila charltonii71290 g insectivore-frugivore
Helarctos malayanus2932 kg frugivore-insectivore
Tragulus sp.893
Tragulus napu and T. kanchil
Mydaus javanensis93
Trichys fasciculata2401.7 kg
Hystrix brachyura76
Muntiacus atherodes426
Hystrix crassispinis30
"Thecurus crassispinis"
Hemigalus derbyanus172 invertivore
Bos javanicus23488 kg
Paradoxurus hermaphroditus372.4 kg frugivore-insectivore
Varanus salvator30
Sus barbatus254
Elephas maximus133711 kg grazer-browser
Urva brachyura27
"Herpestes brachyurus"
Pongo pygmaeus2352 kg frugivore-folivore
Catopuma badia12.4 kg
Viverra tangalunga2416.0 kg insectivore-frugivore
Martes flavigula132.8 kg carnivore
Prionodon linsang7686 g
Manis javanica144.4 kg insectivore
Macaca fascicularis84.0 kg frugivore-folivore
Arctictis binturong210 kg frugivore
Prionailurus bengalensis23.4 kg carnivore
Urva semitorquata1
"Herpestes semitorquatus"
Pardofelis marmorata43.7 kg carnivore
"Felis marmorata"
Cynogale bennettii1
Presbytis rubicunda16.1 kg frugivore-folivore
Arctogalidia trivirgata12.2 kg frugivore-carnivore
Echinosorex gymnurus174721 g
Neofelis diardi618 kg carnivore
Cephalopachus bancanus6125 g insectivore
"Tarsius bancanus"