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Basic information
Sample name: Cuauhtémoc

Reference: C. J. Poindexter, G. D. Schnell, C. Sânchez-Hernândez, M. L. Romero-Almaraz, M. L. Kennedy, T. L. Best, M. C. Wooten, and J. L. Waits. 2013. Demographic features and habitat preferences of Osgoodomys banderanus (Osgood's deermouse) in Colima, Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 58(1):8-19 [ER 1629]
Country: Mexico

State: Colima

Coordinate: 19° 17' N, 103° 38' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: the authors' localities 14 (Rancho La Angostura, elevation 761 m) and 17 (Colima airport) within the municipality of Cuauhtémoc
coordinate is the midpoint of values for the two locations reported in the text

Habitat: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest

Altered habitat: fragment

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 26.6

MAP: 1052.0

Habitat comments: "at Rancho La Angostura... vegetation on grids was tropical deciduous forest (bordered by a small stream) in an overall landscape that was fragmented due to cultivated agriculture (mainly oranges and limes) and raising of livestock. However, the area containing the grids had native vegetation... adjacent to the Miguel de la Madrid Airport... The study area had been fragmented and used for agriculture in the past but was protected and relatively undisturbed for 30 years prior to our study. Much of the area studied had reverted to tropical moist forest intermixed with grass-dominated habitat"
climate data are for La Central, municipality of Manzanillo and are from López-Ayala et al. (2006, Agrociencia)

Life forms: rodents

Sites: 3

Sampling methods: quadrat,baited,Sherman traps

Sample size: 1303 individuals

Years: 2006, 2007

Days: 8

Seasons: dry

Nets or traps: 2000

Net or trap nights: 16000

Sampling comments: "This study was conducted at Rancho La Angostura, Colima (locality 14, Fig. 1) in 2006 and sites in the vicinity of the Miguel de la Madrid Airport (locality 17) in 2006 and 2007. Five trapping grids were established each year (10 total) during the annual dry season in January... Each grid consisted of 100 trapping stations (10 by 10 square grid), with stations 10 m apart. Two Sherman live traps (7.5 by 9.0 by 23.0 cm) baited with rolled oats were placed at each station, one on the ground and one elevated 1–2 m above ground on a thin plywood platform (12.5 by 34.5 cm) attached to a tree or shrub. Grids were sampled for 8 nights each; thus, overall sampling effort on the grids involved 16,000 trap-nights"

Sample number: 1840

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-12-17 17:26:01

Modified: 2015-12-17 06:26:01

Abundance distribution
9 species
0 singletons
total count 1303
extrapolated richness: 9.3
Fisher's α: 1.303
geometric series k: 0.6011
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7955
Shannon's H: 1.7417
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Current reference: Shotwell 1968 (ER 3992)