Brunswick Heads Bypass
Basic information
Sample name: Brunswick Heads Bypass

Reference: B. D. Taylor and R. L. Goldingay. 2003. Cutting the carnage: wildlife usage of road culverts in north-eastern New South Wales. Wildlife Research 30:529-537 [ER 991]
Country: Australia

State: New South Wales

Coordinate: 28° 33' S, 153° 32' E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: a "2.5 km bypass"

Habitat: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest

Substrate: ground surface

Disturbance: recent fire,grazing,selective logging

Habitat comments: "coastal lowlands comprising old, low-lying dunes... that graded into the floodplain... dominated by swamp sclerophyll open forest and woodland" that "had experienced moderate to high disturbance (predominantly on the western side) from past logging, grazing and fires within the last seven years"

Life forms: rodents,other small mammals,birds,lizards,frogs

Sampling methods: no design,cage traps,Elliott traps

Sample size: 77 individuals

Years: 2000

Days: 4

Nets or traps: 145

Net or trap nights: 560

Sampling comments: four nights of trapping with 15 Elliott traps per culvert at nine culverts and two cage traps per culvert at five culverts; "Elliott traps were baited... with oats and peanut butter" and cages with "dog meat and fruit"
reported trap night figure is used despite being slightly lower than what is implied by the trap and day counts

Sample number: 1480

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-03-04 14:22:37

Modified: 2015-03-04 03:22:37

Abundance distribution
10 species
2 singletons
total count 77
extrapolated richness: 15.7
Fisher's α: 3.065
geometric series k: 0.6879
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7797
Shannon's H: 1.8235
Good's u: 0.9744
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.