Thomas Quarry Hominid Cave
Basic information
Sample name: Thomas Quarry Hominid Cave

Sample aka: GH

Reference: J. P. Raynal, F. Z. Sbihi-Alaoui, A. Mohib, M. El Graoui, D. Lefevre, J. P. Texier, D. Geraads, J. J. Hublin, T. Smith, P. Tafforeau, M. Zouak, R. Grun, E. J. Rhodes, S. Eggins, C. Daujeard, P. Fernandes, R. Gallotti, S. Hossini, and A. Queffelec. 2010. Hominid Cave at Thomas Quarry I (Casablanca, Morocco): Recent findings and their context. Quaternary International 223-224:369-382 [ER 3886]
Country: Morocco

State: Casablanca-Settat

Coordinate: 33.568817° N, -7.696655° W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Time interval: Middle Pleistocene

Unit number: 4

Unit order: above to below

Max Ma: 0.501

Min Ma: 0.36

Age basis: OSL

Geography comments: Initial dates of fossil hominids obtained through OSL indicate an age of 470-360 ka for Thomas Quarry GH Strat unit 4

Laser ablation ICP-MS has pushed back the date towards 500 ka

Lithology: siliciclastic (mixed)

Taphonomic context: carnivore accumulation,cave

Archaeology: stone tools

Habitat comments: "The main part of unit 4 is composed of bioclastic and quartzose sands and are associated to more or less abundant red clays that coat grains or make up small aggregates in packing voids"

Components of lithic assemblage include cores, debris of cores, flakes, small flakes, bifaces, debris, and hammerstones

"Cut marks are still absent from this assemblage despite the association with lithic artefacts, which raises the question of any human role in the bone accumulations"

Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates,marine mammals

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 625 specimens

Sampling comments: Modern controlled excavations have been undertaken since 1988 in lower deposits

"Between 1994 and 2008, new hominid fossils were discovered associated with a lithic assemblage and a rich fauna and micro fauna"

"Bovini" 39
"Hippotragini" 1
"Reduncini" 1
"Alcelaphini" 123

Sample number: 4265

Contributor: Jack Nesbitt

Enterer: Jack Nesbitt

Created: 2023-05-15 12:54:06

Modified: 2023-05-16 00:16:35

Abundance distribution
19 species
8 singletons
total count 625
extrapolated richness: 37.2
Fisher's α: 3.700
geometric series k: 0.7430
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7591
Shannon's H: 1.7068
Good's u: 0.9872
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.