Rauscheröd 1 b/c
Basic information
Sample name: Rauscheröd 1 b/c

Reference: R. Ziegler and V. Fahlbusch. 1986. Kleinsåuger-Faunen aus der basalen Oberen Süsswasser-Molasse Niederbayerns. Zitteliana 14:3-58 [ER 2423]
Country: Germany

Coordinate: 48° 32' N, 13° 13' E
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Time interval: Early Miocene

Zone: MN4b

Age basis: zone

Geography comments: "2,5 km ENE Ortenburg, 10 km SSE Vilshofen" (coordinate based on Ortenburg)

Substrate: ground surface

Lithology: marl

Habitat comments: "18-25 cm hell- bis dunkelbraune Mergel, zT siltig, glimmerreich Gastropoden und Wirbeltierreste unterschiedlich angereichert"
1 b and 1 c are both from this horizon

Life forms: rodents,other small mammals

Sampling methods: screenwash

Sample size: 365 specimens

Years: 1983

Sampling comments: collected initially by F. Pfeil and later by the Münchener Sammlung, which obtained "ca 6 000 kg Schlåmmgut" from 1 b (year not stated); in 1983 the institut collected another "ca. 4 500 kg Schlåmmgut"
I am unable to split the 1 b and 1 c registers because counts of erinaceids and talpids cannot be broken down
counts of talpids are from Ziegler (1985)

Sample number: 2643

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2017-02-24 15:41:53

Modified: 2023-09-11 10:31:46

Abundance distribution
23 species
8 singletons
total count 365
extrapolated richness: 42.1
Fisher's α: 5.452
geometric series k: 0.8108
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8200
Shannon's H: 2.0774
Good's u: 0.9781
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Amphiperatherium frequens1
1 b
Galerix symeonidisi46
1 b + c (combined)
Desmanella engesseri4
1 b, c (combined)
Proscapanus intercedens-sansaniensis7
1 b, c (combined)
Scaptonyx cf. edwardsi3
1 b, 1 c (broken down)
Desmanodon antiquus5
1 b
Plesiodimylus chantrei3
1 b
Sorex dehmi1
1 b
Florinia stehlini5
"Sorex stehlini": 1 b and 1 c (broken down)
Spermophilinus aff. bredai1
1 b
Trogontherium minutum1
"Steneofiber minutus": 1 c
Microdyromys praemurinus1
1 c
Pseudodryomys ibericus81
1 b and 1 c (broken down)
Miodyromys hamadryas biradiculus5
1 c
Peridyromys murinus1
1 c
Ligerimys florancei9
1 b,c (not broken down)
Leptodontomys sp.1
1 b
Eumyarion cf. weinfurteri6
1 b, 1 c (broken down)
Megacricetodon aff. collongensis101
1 b, 1 c (broken down)
Democricetodon aff. franconicus11
1 b and 1 c (broken down)
Anomalomys minor1
1 b
Prolagus sp. vasconiensis-oeningensis68
1 b, 1 c (broken down)
Lagopsis sp.3
1 b