Augusto Correa
Basic information
Sample name: Augusto Correa

Reference: L. J. C. Costa, F. A. G. Andrade, W. Uieda, L. F. A. Martorelli, A. P. A. G. Kataoka, and M. E. B. Fernandes. 2013. Serological investigation of rabies virus neutralizing antibodies in bats captured in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 107(11):684-689 [ER 466]
Country: Brazil

State: Parâ

Coordinate: 1° 1' 18" S, 46° 38' 6" W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest

Altered habitat: pasture

Substrate: ground surface

WMT: 25.8

CMT: 24.0

MAP: 3374.0

Habitat comments: "dominated by Amazon rainforest, mangroves and marshlands" and specifically "areas of upland forest" or "over bodies of water" or "in open fields (close to fruit trees and livestock, whenever possible" (satellite photos suggest the landscape is mostly agricultural)
climate based on station 82191 (Belém)
"hot and humid throughout the year, with two well-defined seasons, a rainy season, between January and August, and a dry season between September and December"

Life forms: bats

Sampling methods: no design,mist nets

Sample size: 74 captures or sightings

Years: 2009

Days: 4

Nets or traps: 10

Net or trap nights: 40

Sampling comments: most bats were released
ten nets deployed for two nights each in two seasons = 40 net nights

Sample number: 825

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2014-04-18 10:01:44

Modified: 2014-04-24 06:26:16

Abundance distribution
16 species
8 singletons
total count 74
extrapolated richness: 42.8
Fisher's α: 6.279
geometric series k: 0.8069
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8212
Shannon's H: 2.1227
Good's u: 0.8930
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Desmodus rotundus633.5 g sanguinivore
Glossophaga soricina1010.5 g frugivore-nectarivore
Lophostoma brasiliense110.2 g insectivore-carnivore
Lophostoma silvicolum229.4 g insectivore-carnivore
Micronycteris megalotis16.4 g insectivore-carnivore
Phyllostomus discolor140.3 g nectarivore-frugivore
Trinycteris nicefori1 insectivore-carnivore
Carollia perspicillata2519.6 g frugivore
Rhinophylla fischerae1 frugivore
Rhinophylla pumilio219.2 g frugivore
Artibeus cinereus811.1 g frugivore
"Dermanura cinerea"
Artibeus planirostris1154.4 g frugivore
Platyrrhinus brachycephalus113.7 g frugivore
Platyrrhinus incarum1 frugivore
Uroderma bilobatum218.1 g frugivore
Uroderma magnirostrum116.6 g frugivore