Basic information
Sample name: Novokhopersk-2

Sample aka: Bed D6

Reference: A. K. Agadjanian and P. E. Kondrashov. 2011. Early middle Pleistocene mammalian and molluscan assemblages from the Novokhopersk locality (Don River basin, Russia). Quaternary International 231:10-21 [ER 3910]
Country: Russia

State: Voronezh Oblast

Coordinate: 51.099998° N, 41.616669° E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Formation: Tiraspolian Faunistic complex

Time interval: Middle Pleistocene

Max Ma: 0.78

Min Ma: 0.533

Age basis: other

Geography comments: The Novokhopersk locality is situated 1.2 km North of the city of Novokhopersk, next to the Khoper River, Voronezh region, Eastern Russia

The Novokhopersk locality has been dated to the "Tiraspolian Faunistic complex" which has been established between 0.780 - 0.533 Ma

Lithology: sandstone

Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit

Habitat comments: Bed D6 is comprised of fine-medium-grained, light-yellow sand

Bed D6 is part of the ancient alluvial deposits around this section of the Khoper River and seems to have been deposited by a rapid current close to the bank of the river

The rapid current may have washed out the faunal remains and deposited them downstream

Life forms: rodents,other small mammals

Sampling methods: screenwash

Sample size: 242 specimens

Sampling comments: 559 small mammal remains were recovered from Novokhopersk-2

Faunal remains were recovered via screenwashing with sieves of a 1 mm mesh size

Counts excluded:
Mimomys sp. - 17
Prolagurus sp. - 68
Microtus sp. - 227
Microtus problematicus (unclear taxonomy) - 5

Sample number: 4300

Contributor: Jack Nesbitt

Enterer: Jack Nesbitt

Created: 2023-06-21 10:53:58

Modified: 2023-06-21 01:29:34

Abundance distribution
17 species
3 singletons
total count 242
extrapolated richness: 24.0
Fisher's α: 4.168
geometric series k: 0.7841
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8710
Shannon's H: 2.3053
Good's u: 0.9876
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.