Mount Kalatungan Santzepu Kampung Peta Agrabopath Totum Tea plantation between Agrabopath and the Totum Agusan Marsh (Sago Swamp Forest) Agusan Marsh (Terminalia Forest) Agusan Marsh (Peat Swamp Forest) Agusan Marsh (Mixed Swamp Forest) Gunung Inas Forest Reserve Compartment 15 Andalas University Research and Education Forest Harau Nature Reserve Lubuk Selasih Nilgala Forest Area Vansda National Park Kalesar Wildlife Sanctuary Iriomote Island Universiti Putra Malaysia (grassland) Universiti Putra Malaysia (oil palm) Universiti Putra Malaysia (coconut plantation) Universiti Putra Malaysia (secondary forest) Collaborative Research Centre 990 (oil palm) Collaborative Research Centre 990 (rubber) The Ecological Register
Fejervarya (frog): 24 samples
Standardised estimates are produced by subsampling and then extrapolating.
Raw richness may be higher when an abundance distribution is uneven.