Savannah River Site Fort Riley Military Reservation Ellenton Bay Tularosa Valley Ocala National Forest Needle's Eye Turkey Trail Curl Creek Malheur County Santa Rita Experimental Range (mesquite with clearings) Santa Rita Experimental Range (undisturbed mesquite) Santa Rita Experimental Range (mesquite-free) Cozumel Island Chamela Biosphere Reserve (conserved) Chamela Biosphere Reserve (disturbed) Caobas Ejido (regrowth forest) Caobas Ejido (induced grassland) Griffith League Ranch Hopland Research and Extension Center (chaparral) Cove Point Jug Bay The Ecological Register
Aspidoscelis (lizard): 21 samples
Standardised estimates are produced by subsampling and then extrapolating.
Raw richness may be higher when an abundance distribution is uneven.