Rincón de Osa Los Tuxtlas Biological Research Station (forest fragment bats) Biosphere Reserve Los Petenes (large forest islands) Lacanhá (rain forest) Lamanai Northern Colima Tikal Los Tuxtlas (forest, 1990 - 1992) Chamela Biosphere Reserve (dry forest) Chamela Biosphere Reserve (semi-dry forest) La Reserva Natural La Montaña del Ocaso Veraguas Isla Palma Cerro Tolistoque Los Tuxtlas Biological Research Station (shaded plantation bats) Lacanhá (Ochroma pyramidale managed forest) Lacanhá (secondary forest) Los Tuxtlas (cocoa plantation, 1990 - 1992) Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve (partially surrounded, secondary forest) Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve (partially surrounded, rainforest) San Gabriel Mixtepec Lacandona (riparian mature) Lacandona (riparian pasture) Comalcalco El Chorro (mist nets) Carrizal Viejo (mist nets) Parque Estatal La Sierra The Ecological Register
Artibeus phaeotis (bat): 27 samples
Standardised estimates are produced by subsampling and then extrapolating.
Raw richness may be higher when an abundance distribution is uneven.