Gala Abu Ahmed
Basic information
Sample name: Gala Abu Ahmed

Reference: V. Linseele and N. Pöllath. 2015. Local foods and traded goods-the faunal remains from a Napatan outpost at Gala Abu Ahmed (Sudan, first millennium BC). African Archaeological Review 32(3):537-590 [ER 3763]
Country: Sudan

Coordinate: 17° 42' N, 29° 48' E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Holocene

Max Ma: 0.0032

Min Ma: 0.00235

Age basis: radiocarbon (calibrated)

Geography comments: "Gala Abu Ahmed is a fortress ruin in lower Wadi Howar, northern Sudan. It is located c. 110 km west of the River Nile on the southern margin of the Libyan Desert".
"According to various radiocarbon dates on pottery, the site was occupied between about 1250 and 400 BC, or in cultural terms, in late New Kingdom/pre-Napatan to Napatan times".

Lithology: not described

Taphonomic context: human accumulation,settlement

Archaeology: buildings,ceramics,hearths,stone tools,other artifacts,other structures

Habitat comments: "The Gala Abu Ahmed fortress, with its impressive stone bastions and walls, encloses an area of 120 × 180 m and stands up to 4 m high. The fortress was built on a sandstone outcrop on the lower terrace of the southern edge of a channel-like wadi, just east of the conjunction of two channels. The general layout of the fort and its massive construction suggest that it was a defensive fortification. The position of the fortress near the mouth of the wadi indicates that it served as a fortified caravan station, protecting and controlling important trade routes".
"Excavations in the south-eastern part of the interior space revealed a three-room building with an almost square layout measuring c. 10 × 9 m. In the north-eastern corner of the fortress, a large, complex building with a series of rooms and courtyards was unearthed. To the north of this building, two rotundas proved to be large storage facilities, most likely used as granaries. A concentration of different types of objects was found to the east, including Greek pottery, arrowheads, pieces of faience, and sandstone figurines. A fireplace was found along the walls of the fortress, along with a large stone circle in the northwest corner, c. 20 m in diameter".

Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals,birds,lizards,snakes,fishes,clams,snails

Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash

Sample size: 3665 specimens

Years: 2008 - 2012

Sampling comments: "Major excavations of the site were conducted between 2008 and 2012. After the layout of an excavation trench, usually subdivided into 2 x 2 or 5 x 5 m squares, the windblown sand and rubble were first removed from each square as no in situ structures were preserved in this layer. The structures exposed below were then further investigated by smaller sondages set up at crucial points. Excavated sediments were systematically dry-sieved using a mesh size of 3 mm".

Sample number: 4025

Contributor: Benjamin Carter

Enterer: Benjamin Carter

Created: 2022-10-21 15:29:45

Modified: 2023-02-25 11:12:47

Abundance distribution
36 species
5 singletons
total count 3665
extrapolated richness: 50.6
Fisher's α: 5.542
geometric series k: 0.7993
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.5017
Shannon's H: 1.2837
Good's u: 0.9986
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Homo sapiens464 kg
Ovis aries6341 kg
Capra aegagrus hircus25522 kg browser-grazer
also 5172 Caprinae indet.
Bos taurus2542337 kg
also 9032 Bovidae indet.
Equus africanus asinus5287 kg
also 1 Equidae indet.
Addax nasomaculatus1
Oryx dammah14
Nanger dama6
Gazella dorcas26512 kg
Vulpes zerda22
Caracal caracal212 kg carnivore
cf - also 3 Carnivora indet.
Gerbillus sp.13
Dipodidae indet.4
also 238 Rodentia indet.
Lepus capensis15
Erinaceidae indet.2
Falco sp.2
"size cherrug"
Coturnix coturnix1790.0 g frugivore-granivore
also 2 Galliformes indet.
Crex crex3169 g
Streptopelia sp.11
Charadriiformes indet.1
Passeriformes indet.18
also 64 Aves indet.
Varanus cf. griseus1
also 11 Lacertilia indet.
Serpentes indet.9
Lates niloticus1
Etheria elliptica7
also 16 Bivalvia indet.
Zootecus insularis4
Valvata nilotica3
Melanoides tuberculata8
Cleopatra bulimoides39
Lanistes carinatus14
Lyncina sp.2
Monetaria sp.295
"cf Monetaria moneta/M. annulus"
Engina mendicaria5
Volvarina monilis8
"Prunum monile"
Oliva bulbosa3
Conus sp.1
also 74 Gastropoda indet. and 44 Mollusca indet.