Grand Marais
Basic information
Sample name: Grand Marais

Reference: R. M. Timm. 1974. Rediscovery of the rock vole (Microtus chrotorrhinus) in Minnesota. Canadian Field-Naturalist 88:82 [ER 1672]
Country: United States

State: Minnesota

Coordinate: 48° 0' N, 90° 21' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: "17 mi N, 1 mi W Grand Marais, NW Va sec 29, T 64 N, R 1 E, elevation 1758 feet"

Habitat: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest

Substrate: ground surface

WMT: 15.8

CMT: -11.4

MAP: 622.0

Habitat comments: "in association with a long narrow bed of boulders deposited by the Rainey Lobe of Wisconsin glaciation" with surrounding vegetation including Abies, Picea, Thuja, Pinus, Populus, Betula, Acer, Rosa, and Vaccinium
climate data are for Isle Royale National Park and are from Scott and Binkley (1997, Oecologia)

Life forms: rodents,other small mammals

Sampling methods: no design,baited,snap traps

Sample size: 22 individuals

Years: 1973

Days: 3

Seasons: summer

Nets or traps: 167

Net or trap nights: 501

Sampling comments: "Museum Special snap-traps baited with a mixture of peanut butter and rolled oats... 167 traps" were "set in this area for 3 days"

Sample number: 1860

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-12-27 09:31:09

Modified: 2015-12-26 22:31:09

Abundance distribution
8 species
2 singletons
total count 22
extrapolated richness: 17.0
Fisher's α: 4.523
geometric series k: 0.7573
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8095
Shannon's H: 1.8810
Good's u: 0.9205
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.