Manas Range
Basic information
Sample name: Manas Range

Sample aka: Royal Manas National Park

Reference: T. Nidup, T. Dorji, and U. Tshering. 2014. Taxon diversity of butterflies in different habitat types in Royal Manas National Park. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2(6):292-298 [ER 3258]
Country: Bhutan

Coordinate: 26.8° N, 90.9° E
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Geography comments: "towards the east" in Royal Manas National Park, and shown directly north of Manas National Park on a major river (basis of coordinate)
the range "covers an area of 348.31 km 2 ranging from altitude 80 m [34] to 892 m above the sea level"

Habitat: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest

Protection: national/state park

Substrate: ground surface

Disturbance: agriculture

Habitat comments: "closed canopy, shrub land, crop field, along the roads and river/stream beds"
apparently in Köppen zone Cwa

Life forms: butterflies

Sites: 5

Site length: 5000

Sampling methods: line transect,butterfly nets,visual

Sample size: 1319 captures or sightings

Years: 2014

Seasons: winter,spring

Sampling comments: Pollard walks with "1000 meters transect... Each transect was visited once a month from January to March in 2014. Butterflies observed within five meters either side of transect line and five meters to the front of recorder were recorded... Butterfly capturing was done very safely by butterfly sweep net and release in the same area" and there were five transects
there were "59 individuals per hectare" and 1319 individuals in total

Sample number: 3600

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2020-04-24 21:35:08

Modified: 2020-04-24 11:35:08

Abundance distribution
91 species
17 singletons
total count 1319
geometric series index: 135.3
Fisher's α: 22.185
geometric series k: 0.9491
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9643
Shannon's H: 3.7590
Good's u: 0.9871
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Remelana jangala ravata1
Surendra quercetorum22
Jamides celeno28
Poritia hewitsoni hewitsoni1
Prosotas nora8
Castalius rosimon3
Neopithecops zalmora zalmora3
Cheritra freja4
Zeltus amasa8
Arhopala eumolphus1
Everes lacturnus1
Arhopala amantes amantes2
Megisba malaya1
Celatoxia marginata3
Maha maha12
Lampides boeticus30
Abisara echerius1
Zemeros flegyas indicus47
Heliophorus epicles indicus17
Nacaduba kurava14
Arhopala pseudocentaurus5
Lethe confusa2
Parantica sita1
Moduza procris1
Troides helena3
Euthalia aconthea1
Ariadne merione1
Melanitis leda ismene110
Ypthima baldus baldus103
Symbrenthia lilaea khasiana21
Pantoporia hordonia5
Neptis hylas varmona50
Danaus genutia5
Byasa polyeuctes10
Hestina nama13
Tirumala septentrioni9
Melanitis phedimebele bela13
Parantica aglea melanoides30
Taneaecia lepidea lepidea7
Ypthima avanta14
Lebadea martha marrtha5
Cirrochroa aoris aoris5
Cethosia cyane2
Precis lemonias lemonias59
Visala visala21
Orsotrioena medus medus19
Kallima indicus2
Neope verma sintica9
Euploea mulciber mulciber42
Pseudergolis wedah6
Charaxes bernardus2
Graphium sarpedon sarpedon2
Chilasa clytia1
Menelaides polytes22
Princeps castor polas15
Graphium olanthus4
Papilio memnon4
Papilio demoleus4
Papilio paris6
Papilio alcmenor4
Papilio helenus9
Graphium agamemnon1
Papilio nephelus1
Appias lyncida4
Catopsila pomona6
Eurema sari10
Precis atlites62
Eurema hecabe4
Cepora nerissa31
Hebomoia glaucippe glaucippe13
Pieris canidia indica17
Pieris brassicae nepalensis65
Cepora nandina1
Catopsila pyranthe5
Eurema andersonii andersonii23
"Eurema andersoni andersoni"
Leptosia nina19
Leptosia thestylis thestylis7
Gandaca harina asssamica10
Eurema blanda silhetana61
Ixias pyrene familiaris88
Badamia exclamationis1
Odontoptilum angulata1
Iambrix salsala4
Sancus fuligo1
Hasora chromus2
Celaenorrhinus leucocera2
Pseudocoladenia dan11
Potanthus dara3
Bisasis jaina4
Ochus subvittatus2
Tagiades litigiosa6