Ashmeadiella gillettei (bee)

Abundance: 0.48 to 1.13%

Latitudinal range: 26.4° to 40.2°

Habitats: desert/xeric shrubland (2) only

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Found in two samples

Mexico: Mapimí Biosphere Reserve (nectarful trees, 1994)

United States: Dugway Proving Grounds

See also Ashmeadiella, Ashmeadiella aridula, Ashmeadiella bigeloviae, Ashmeadiella breviceps, Ashmeadiella bucconis, Ashmeadiella clypeodentata, Ashmeadiella floridana, Ashmeadiella foveata, Ashmeadiella leucozona, Ashmeadiella meliloti, Ashmeadiella prosopidis, Ashmeadiella rhodognatha