Sunshine Locality (Unit B)
Basic information
Sample name: Sunshine Locality (Unit B)

Reference: G. Huckleberry, C. Beck, G. T. Jones, A. Holmes, M. Cannon, S. Livingston, and J. M. Broughton. 2001. Terminal Pleistocene/early Holocene environmental change at the Sunshine Locality, north-central Nevada, U.S.A.. Quaternary Research 55:303-312 [ER 3215]
Country: United States

State: Nevada

Coordinate: 39° 43' N, 115° 16' W
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Time interval: Holocene

Section: 3215

Unit number: 2

Unit order: above to below

Ma: 0.00812

Age basis: radiocarbon (uncalibrated)

Geography comments: "in southern Long Valley, about 60 km northwest of Ely" and shown as immediately west of the Butte Mountains (coordinate based on Butte Mountains)
there is a single uncalibrated date of 8120 +/- 70 14C yr B.P.

Lithology: sandstone

Taphonomic context: aeolian deposit

Archaeology: stone tools

Habitat comments: "well-sorted eolian sands"
stone tools are inventoried

Life forms: rodents

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 22 specimens

Years: 1993

Sampling comments: "In 1993, a 5 x 6 m block was excavated 4 m deep"
there is no discussion of screenwashing

Sample number: 3530

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2019-09-11 22:19:03

Modified: 2023-04-29 01:55:35

Abundance distribution
3 species
1 singleton
total count 22
extrapolated richness: 6.2
Fisher's α: 0.939
geometric series k: 0.2294
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.2078
Shannon's H: 0.4851
Good's u: 0.9585
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.