UTF-8FOOIP 20315109220
: Vleut et al. 2015
Full citation
I. Vleut, S. I. Levy-Tacher, J. Galindo-Gonzâlez, and W. F. de Boer. 2015. Positive effects of surrounding rainforest on composition, diversity and late-successional seed dispersal by bats. Basic and Applied Ecology 16(4):308-315 [ER 1167]
Contributed by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 2015-07-08
Samples: Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve (partially surrounded, rainforest), Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve (partially surrounded, secondary forest)
Size measurements: Artibeus jamaicensis (body mass 46.1 g), Artibeus lituratus (body mass 69.2 g), Artibeus phaeotis (body mass 13.1 g), Artibeus toltecus (body mass 12.5 g), Artibeus watsoni (body mass 11.9 g), Carollia perspicillata (body mass 20.7 g), Carollia sowelli (body mass 16.9 g), Centurio senex (body mass 18.6 g), Chiroderma villosum (body mass 25.0 g), Glossophaga commissarisi (body mass 9.66 g), Glossophaga soricina (body mass 10.3 g), Lichonycteris obscura (body mass 9.0 g), Phyllostomus discolor (body mass 40.8 g), Phyllostomus stenops (body mass 55 g), Platyrrhinus helleri (body mass 16.5 g), Sturnira parvidens (body mass 16.5 g), Uroderma bilobatum (body mass 18.9 g), Vampyressa pusilla (body mass 8.3 g), Vampyrodes caraccioli (body mass 34.3 g)