SELECT * FROM sessions,people WHERE ip=20315109220 AND enterer=person_noSELECT p.first_name AS contributor_first,p.last_name AS contributor_last,p2.first_name AS enterer_first,p2.last_name AS enterer_last,t.* FROM people p,people p2,samples t WHERE t.contributor_no=p.person_no AND t.enterer_no=p2.person_no AND t.sample_no=3970 GROUP BY t.sample_noSELECT * FROM samples WHERE sample_no=3970SELECT person_no,first_name,last_name FROM peopleSELECT * FROM refs WHERE ref_no=3737SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='samples';SELECT * FROM register WHERE sample_no=3970 ORDER BY register_no ASCSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Struthio' AND (junior_species='sp.' OR junior_species='sp.')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Struthio' AND (species='sp.' OR species='sp.') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Struthio' AND (species='sp.' OR species='sp.')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Struthio' AND (junior_species='sp.' OR junior_species='sp.')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Struthio' AND (species='sp.' OR species='sp.') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Marmota' AND (junior_species='sibirica' OR junior_species='sibirica')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Marmota' AND (species='sibirica' OR species='sibirica') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Marmota' AND (species='sibirica' OR species='sibirica')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Marmota' AND (junior_species='sibirica' OR junior_species='sibirica')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Marmota' AND (species='sibirica' OR species='sibirica') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Ochotona' AND (junior_species='sp.' OR junior_species='sp.')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Ochotona' AND (species='sp.' OR species='sp.') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Ochotona' AND (species='sp.' OR species='sp.')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Ochotona' AND (junior_species='sp.' OR junior_species='sp.')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Ochotona' AND (species='sp.' OR species='sp.') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Coelodonta' AND (junior_species='antiquitatis' OR junior_species='antiquitatis')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Coelodonta' AND (species='antiquitatis' OR species='antiquitatis') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Coelodonta' AND (species='antiquitatis' OR species='antiquitatis')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Coelodonta' AND (junior_species='antiquitatis' OR junior_species='antiquitatis')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Coelodonta' AND (species='antiquitatis' OR species='antiquitatis') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Equus' AND (junior_species='hemionus' OR junior_species='hemionus')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Equus' AND (species='hemionus' OR species='hemionus') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Equus' AND (species='hemionus' OR species='hemionus')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Equus' AND (junior_species='hemionus' OR junior_species='hemionus')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Equus' AND (species='hemionus' OR species='hemionus') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Equus' AND (junior_species='ferus' OR junior_species='ferus')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Equus' AND (species='ferus' OR species='ferus') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Equus' AND (junior_species='ferus' OR junior_species='ferus')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Equus' AND (species='ferus' OR species='ferus') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Bos' AND (junior_species='baikalensis' OR junior_species='baikalensis')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Bos' AND (species='baikalensis' OR species='baikalensis') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Bos' AND (species='baikalensis' OR species='baikalensis')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Bos' AND (junior_species='baikalensis' OR junior_species='baikalensis')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Bos' AND (species='baikalensis' OR species='baikalensis') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT * FROM register WHERE sample_no=3970 The Ecological Register: Tolbor-21 (AH4)
Tolbor-21 (AH4)
Basic information
Sample name: Tolbor-21 (AH4)

Reference: E. P. Rybin, C. H. Paine, A. M. Khatsenovich, B. Tsedendorj, S. Talamo, D. V. Marchenko, W. Rendu, A. M. Klementiev, D. Odsuren, J. C. Gillam, B. Gunchinsuren, and N. Zwyns. 2020. A new Upper Paleolithic occupation at the site of Tolbor-21 (Mongolia): Site formation, human behavior and implications for the regional sequence. Quaternary International 559:133-149 [ER 3737]
Country: Mongolia

Coordinate: 49° 15' 47" N, 102° 57' 28" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Late Pleistocene

Max Ma: 0.03815

Min Ma: 0.03725

Age basis: radiocarbon (uncalibrated)

Geography comments: "Tolbor-21 is in the middle of the valley of the Great Tolbor River, at 1089 m asl, 12 km away from the confluence with the Selenga River in northern Mongolia. It lies on a fan-shaped slope formed by polygenetic sediments c. 500 m to the west of, and 40 m above, the current level of the Tolbor".
Radiocarbon dates for Archaeological Horizon 4 (AH4) range from 38,150 ± 240 BP to 37,250 ± 220 BP, or around 42.7 ka to 41.4 ka cal. BP.

Lithology: siliciclastic (mixed)

Taphonomic context: aeolian deposit,human accumulation

Archaeology: stone tools

Habitat comments: "In general, the deposits comprise reworked aeolian silt with locally-derived sand. AH4 is specifically composed of "sandy soliflucted silt with gravel and cobbles (30–40 cm)".
While an "episode of solifluction can be seen to affect the AH4 deposits, these events seldom involve sediments of more than one or two lithological units, limiting mixing and leaving the stratigraphic succession broadly intact".
"The AH4 lithic assemblage consists of blades, core preforms, core tablets and unretouched blanks; there is a high frequency of retouched flakes and the occurrence of bladelet technology".
"The faunal remains from AH4 suggest a relatively long surface exposure in contact with vegetation. The resulting taphonomic bias may account for the lack of evidence for carnivore activity. However, human modifications including butchery of partial carcasses, and marrow or grease extraction, are important enough to survive this biasing effect".

Life forms: rodents,ungulates,other small mammals,birds

Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash

Sample size: 21 specimens

Years: 2014 - 2017

Sampling comments: "Excavations were conducted between 2014 and 2017. The excavation consisted of four pits and two test pits along the slope, at an elevation of c. 25–28 m from the bottom of the gully".
"All artifacts larger than 20 mm, including bones and specific finds like pieces of ochre, were piece-plotted. We plotted every rock over 250 mm, and the surface of each layer".
In a 1 m2-grid system, we excavated c. 30–50 mm thick spits in sub-units of 50 × 50 cm within identifiable sedimentary units, which roughly corresponds to a bucket (8–10 L) of sediments. We plotted every bucket before dry sieving the content with 2 and 4 mm mesh".

Sample number: 3970

Contributor: Benjamin Carter

Enterer: Benjamin Carter

Created: 2022-08-15 11:12:01

Modified: 2022-08-15 01:20:17

Abundance distribution
7 species
4 singletons
total count 21
extrapolated richness: 22.3
Fisher's α: 3.677
geometric series k: 0.6813
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6833
Shannon's H: 1.4988
Good's u: 0.8142
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Struthio sp.5
Marmota sibirica1
14 Rodentia indet.
Ochotona sp.2
Coelodonta antiquitatis1
Equus hemionus1 grazer
Equus ferus10422 kg
3 Equidae indet.
Bos baikalensis1
2 Bovini indet.