SELECT * FROM sessions,people WHERE ip=20315109220 AND enterer=person_noSELECT p.first_name AS contributor_first,p.last_name AS contributor_last,p2.first_name AS enterer_first,p2.last_name AS enterer_last,t.* FROM people p,people p2,samples t WHERE t.contributor_no=p.person_no AND t.enterer_no=p2.person_no AND t.sample_no=3274 GROUP BY t.sample_noSELECT * FROM samples WHERE sample_no=3274SELECT person_no,first_name,last_name FROM peopleSELECT * FROM refs WHERE ref_no=3030SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='samples';SELECT * FROM register WHERE sample_no=3274 ORDER BY register_no ASCSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Sciurus' AND (junior_species='spp.' OR junior_species='spp.')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Sciurus' AND (species='spp.' OR species='spp.') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Sciurus' AND (species='spp.' OR species='spp.')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Sciurus' AND (junior_species='spp.' OR junior_species='spp.')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Sciurus' AND (species='spp.' OR species='spp.') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Odocoileus' AND (junior_species='virginianus' OR junior_species='virginianus')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Odocoileus' AND (species='virginianus' OR species='virginianus') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Odocoileus' AND (junior_species='virginianus' OR junior_species='virginianus')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Odocoileus' AND (species='virginianus' OR species='virginianus') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Didelphis' AND (junior_species='virginiana' OR junior_species='virginiana')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Didelphis' AND (species='virginiana' OR species='virginiana') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Didelphis' AND (junior_species='virginiana' OR junior_species='virginiana')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Didelphis' AND (species='virginiana' OR species='virginiana') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Peromyscus' AND (junior_species='spp.' OR junior_species='spp.')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Peromyscus' AND (species='spp.' OR species='spp.') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Peromyscus' AND (species='spp.' OR species='spp.')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Peromyscus' AND (junior_species='spp.' OR junior_species='spp.')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Peromyscus' AND (species='spp.' OR species='spp.') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Procyon' AND (junior_species='lotor' OR junior_species='lotor')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Procyon' AND (species='lotor' OR species='lotor') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Procyon' AND (junior_species='lotor' OR junior_species='lotor')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Procyon' AND (species='lotor' OR species='lotor') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT * FROM register WHERE sample_no=3274 The Ecological Register: Daniel Boone Field Station (agricultural)
Daniel Boone Field Station (agricultural)
Basic information
Sample name: Daniel Boone Field Station (agricultural)

Reference: C. S. Cloyed, L. R. Cappelli, D. A. Tilson, J. A. Crawford, and A. I. Dell. 2018. Using camera traps to assess mammal and bird assemblages in a midwestern forest. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9(2):496-506 [ER 3030]
Country: United States

State: Missouri

Coordinate: 38° 49' 10" N, 90° 51' 16" W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Habitat: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest

Altered habitat: pasture

Protection: unprotected

Substrate: ground surface

Habitat comments: "This 400-ha field station maintains an annually harvested, 6.5-ha hay field embedded within a 280-ha mixed deciduous forest dominated by black oak"

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals

Sampling methods: no design,automatic cameras

Sample size: 245 captures or sightings

Years: 2015

Days: 32

Seasons: summer

Nets or traps: 3

Cameras paired: yes

Sampling comments: "camera traps were used... along two 300-m transects... The first transect (termed agricultural) ran from the edge of the 6.5-ha hay field north into the surrounding upland forest, whereas the second transect (termed riparian) ran from a small wetland (~125 m2) east into the surrounding forest... We monitored each transect over a 32-d period (from 8 June to 10 July 2015). In total, we monitored 42 randomly determined locations (plots) along each transect, each for 48 or 72 h (depending on access to field site), with a total of 3 plots monitored simulta- neously on each transect... we positioned three infrared (IR) motion-sensor game cameras (Browning model BTC-5...)... We attached two of the cameras to the same tree, one 20 cm and the other 50 cm above the substrate, with both cameras pointing in the same direction; the third camera was placed 1–5 m away on a tree at 50 cm above the ground... We aimed all cameras parallel to the ground... In total, 18 cameras were deployed simultaneously, with 9 each on the agricultural and riparian transects... We considered images of the same species (or genus for Sciurus and Peromyscus) taken within 10 min of each other at the same plot as representing the same individual, unless this was obviously untrue"
6 "birds" are also reported

Sample number: 3274

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2019-03-12 22:16:03

Modified: 2019-03-12 11:17:30

Abundance distribution
5 species
0 singletons
total count 245
extrapolated richness: 5.1
Fisher's α: 0.889
geometric series k: 0.6762
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7143
Shannon's H: 1.4259
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Sciurus spp.110
Odocoileus virginianus4375 kg herbivore
Didelphis virginiana452.2 kg insectivore-carnivore
Peromyscus spp.23
Procyon lotor245.5 kg carnivore-granivore