SELECT * FROM sessions,people WHERE ip=20315109220 AND enterer=person_noSELECT p.first_name AS contributor_first,p.last_name AS contributor_last,p2.first_name AS enterer_first,p2.last_name AS enterer_last,t.* FROM people p,people p2,samples t WHERE t.contributor_no=p.person_no AND t.enterer_no=p2.person_no AND t.sample_no=1856 GROUP BY t.sample_noSELECT * FROM samples WHERE sample_no=1856SELECT person_no,first_name,last_name FROM peopleSELECT * FROM refs WHERE ref_no=1665SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='samples';SELECT * FROM register WHERE sample_no=1856 ORDER BY register_no ASCSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Oecomys' AND (junior_species='mamorae' OR junior_species='mamorae')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Oecomys' AND (species='mamorae' OR species='mamorae') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Oecomys' AND (species='mamorae' OR species='mamorae')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Oecomys' AND (junior_species='mamorae' OR junior_species='mamorae')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Oecomys' AND (species='mamorae' OR species='mamorae') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Gracilinanus' AND (junior_species='agilis' OR junior_species='agilis')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Gracilinanus' AND (species='agilis' OR species='agilis') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Gracilinanus' AND (junior_species='agilis' OR junior_species='agilis')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Gracilinanus' AND (species='agilis' OR species='agilis') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Thrichomys' AND (junior_species='pachyurus' OR junior_species='pachyurus')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Thrichomys' AND (species='pachyurus' OR species='pachyurus') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Thrichomys' AND (species='pachyurus' OR species='pachyurus')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Thrichomys' AND (junior_species='pachyurus' OR junior_species='pachyurus')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Thrichomys' AND (species='pachyurus' OR species='pachyurus') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Clyomys' AND (junior_species='laticeps' OR junior_species='laticeps')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Clyomys' AND (species='laticeps' OR species='laticeps') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Clyomys' AND (species='laticeps' OR species='laticeps')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Clyomys' AND (junior_species='laticeps' OR junior_species='laticeps')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Clyomys' AND (species='laticeps' OR species='laticeps') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Thylamys' AND (junior_species='macrurus' OR junior_species='macrurus')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Thylamys' AND (species='macrurus' OR species='macrurus') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Thylamys' AND (junior_species='macrurus' OR junior_species='macrurus')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Thylamys' AND (species='macrurus' OR species='macrurus') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Monodelphis' AND (junior_species='domestica' OR junior_species='domestica')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Monodelphis' AND (species='domestica' OR species='domestica') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Monodelphis' AND (junior_species='domestica' OR junior_species='domestica')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Monodelphis' AND (species='domestica' OR species='domestica') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT * FROM register WHERE sample_no=1856 The Ecological Register: Rio Negro farm
Rio Negro farm
Basic information
Sample name: Rio Negro farm

Reference: C. S. de Andreazzi, V. Rademaker, R. Gentile, H. M. Herrera, A. M. Jansen, and P. S. D'Andrea. 2011. Population ecology of small rodents and marsupials in a semi-deciduous tropical forest of the southeast Pantanal, Brazil. Zoologia 28(6):762-770 [ER 1665]
Country: Brazil

State: Mato Grosso do Sul

Coordinate: 19° 52' 30" S, 56° 22' 30" W
Coordinate basis: stated in text as range

Geography comments: "in the southeast of the Nhecolãndia region of the Brazilian Pantanal"
coordinate is the midpoint of ranges stated in the text

Habitat: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 22.0

MAP: 975.0

Habitat comments: "a 7700 ha private reserve of native vegetation... Trapping was conducted in the 'Cordilheiras', which are sinuous remains of paleo-levees several kilometers in length about 100 m wide, reaching 1-2 m above the surrounding bodies of water and seasonally inundated plains. These elevations are not subject to flooding and are covered by dense, semi-deciduous forest vegetation... The climate is sub-humid tropical, characterized by dry winters and rainy summers"
climate data are for "the lakes of Pantanal" and are from Furquim et al. (2008, Clays and Clay Minerals): MAP 850 to 1100 mm

Life forms: rodents,other small mammals

Sampling methods: line transect,baited,Sherman traps,Tomahawk traps

Sample size: 615 individuals

Years: 2003, 2004

Days: 49

Nets or traps: 440

Net or trap nights: 21560

Sampling comments: "Capture-mark-recapture sessions were undertaken for seven consecutive nights on four plots during 2003 and 2004. In plots 1 and 2, trapping sessions occurred every three months. In plots 3 and 4, traps were placed every three months in 2003 and every six months in 2004. Each plot consisted of four line transects, three inside the forest and one on the forest edge. In each plot, transects were randomly marked, respecting a distance of 200 m apart from each other. The distance between plots was 2 km. Each transect had 10 trapping stations 20 m apart. Two traps were placed at each station next to each other, one Tomahawk® (model 201, 40.6 x 12.7 x 12.7 cm) and one Sherman® (model XLK 7.6 x 9.5 x 30.5 cm). In the forest transects, one additional trap was placed in a tree at each station, a Tomahawk® trap for odd-numbered stations and a Sherman® trap for even-numbered stations. Traps were baited with a mixture of banana, peanut butter, oatmeal and bacon and checked daily every morning."

Sample number: 1856

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-12-24 20:05:31

Modified: 2015-12-24 09:05:31

Abundance distribution
6 species
0 singletons
total count 615
extrapolated richness: 6.2
Fisher's α: 0.923
geometric series k: 0.4931
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6254
Shannon's H: 1.2643
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.