Bathyergus (rodent)

Abundance: 0.11 to 88.63% (median 22.16%)

Latitudinal range: -34.5° to -28.8°

Habitats: (18) only

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Found in 18 samples

South Africa: Boegoeberg 1, Die Kelders Cave 1 (Layer 10), Die Kelders Cave 1 (Layer 11), Blombos Cave (Phase M1), Blombos Cave (Phase M2), Blombos Cave (Phase M3), Blombos Cave (LSA), Spitzkloof A Rockshelter (MIS 3), Diepkloof Rock Shelter (LSA), Diepkloof Rock Shelter (MSA - Post HP), Diepkloof Rock Shelter (MSA - Late HP), Diepkloof Rock Shelter (MSA - Intermediate HP), Diepkloof Rock Shelter (MSA - Jack), Diepkloof Rock Shelter (MSA - Early HP), Diepkloof Rock Shelter (MSA - Still Bay), Diepkloof Rock Shelter (MSA - Pre-Still Bay Lynn), Diepkloof Rock Shelter (MSA - Mike), Diepkloof Rock Shelter (Lower MSA)

See also Bathyergus janetta, Bathyergus suillus