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Gruta de Figueira Brava (Area C)
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Basic information
Sample name: Gruta de Figueira Brava (Area C)

Reference: M. Nabais, C. Dupont, and J. Zilhäo. 2023. The exploitation of crabs by Late Interglacial Iberian Neanderthals: The evidence from Gruta de Figueira Brava (Portugal). Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 2:1097815 [ER 3977]
Country: Portugal

Coordinate: 38° 28' 14" N, 8° 59' 10" W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Late Pleistocene

Max Ma: 0.106

Min Ma: 0.086

Age basis: other

Geography comments: "on the southern slope of the Serra da Arrâbida"
dated at "ca. 86-106 ka" based on some combination of "U-series an OSL dating"

Lithology: not described

Taphonomic context: cave

Archaeology: stone tools

Habitat comments: an "archaeological deposit" is present in Area C and "charcoal, bone, shells and stone stools" are present in Area F, so resumably the "deposit" includes stone tools

Life forms: carnivores,ungulates,marine mammals,other small mammals,birds,turtles

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 577 specimens

Sampling comments: "excavated in the 1980s"

Sample number: 4390

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2023-12-03 21:19:40

Modified: 2023-12-03 10:19:40

Abundance distribution
20 species
3 singletons
total count 577
extrapolated richness: 27.4
Fisher's α: 4.022
geometric series k: 0.7787
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8632
Shannon's H: 2.2405
Good's u: 0.9948
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Mammuthus primigenius10
Stephanorhinus hemitoechus14
Bos primigenius75
Equus ferus28422 kg
"Equus caballus"
Cervus elaphus116104 kg
Capra pyrenaica101
Sus scrofa754 kg herbivore
Oryctolagus cuniculus1002.5 kg browser-grazer
minimum estimate
Ursus arctos3156 kg frugivore-carnivore
Panthera spelaea1
"Panthera leo spalea"
Panthera pardus733 kg carnivore
Crocuta spelaea25
"Crocuta crocuta spelaea"
Canis lupus lupus143 kg carnivore
Felis silvestris24.5 kg carnivore
"Felis sylvestris"
Vulpes vulpes85.3 kg carnivore-insectivore
Pusa hispida1
Delphinus delphis6
Emys orbicularis2
Testudo hermanni5
minimum estimate
Aves indet.65
"Terrestrial and aquatic" birds clearly representing multiple taxa
Current reference: Huckleberry et al. 2001 (ER 3215)