Coc Muoi
Basic information
Sample name: Coc Muoi

Reference: A.-M. Bacon, P.-O. Antoine, T. M. H. Nguyen, K. Westaway, A. T. Nguyen, P. Duringer, J.-X. Zhao, J.-L. Ponche, C. D. Sam, H. N. Truong, T. M. Tran, T. S. Pham, M. Boyon, T. K. T. Nguyen, Blin, and Demeter. 2018. A rhinocerotid-dominated megafauna at the MIS6-5 transition: The late Middle Pleistocene Coc Muoi assemblage, Lang Son province, Vietnam. Quaternary Science Reviews 186:123-141 [ER 3863]
Country: Vietnam

State: Lan Son

Coordinate: 22° 21' 22" N, 106° 26' 6" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Middle Pleistocene

Max Ma: 0.148

Min Ma: 0.117

Age basis: other

Geography comments: "close to the Chinese border 155 km NNE from Hanoi... 10 km north from the main town That Khé"
"two sediment samples" were dated by OSL and the "capping flowstone" was also dated by U-series, providing a minimum that isn't directly relevant but is consistent with the OSL results
"post- infrared infrared-stimulated luminescence (pIR-IRSL)" was also applied to the same sediment samples
the single-grain OSL dates are 117 +/- 27 and 125 +/- 26 ka and the pIR-IRSL dates are 148 +/- 13 and 146 +/- 12 ka, so the authors accept a range of 117 to 148 ka

Lithology: breccia

Taphonomic context: cave,rodent accumulation

Habitat comments: "a solid brown to light brown sandy/clayey breccia unit... All fossils were discovered in the sediment below" the "older flowstone" and "water and sediment entered the cave, bringing the sediment and vertebrate remains studied in this paper"
"The majority of the damage observed are breakage on crowns and roots, and gnawed marks on roots... consistent with gnawing by porcupines" so the assemblage is interpreted as a rodent accumulation
no human artefacts are present

Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 1295 specimens

Sampling comments: exact collection methods aren't indicated, but "excavation" was carried out

Sample number: 4238

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2023-04-21 09:14:31

Modified: 2023-04-20 23:14:31

Abundance distribution
30 species
3 singletons
total count 1295
extrapolated richness: 37.9
Fisher's α: 5.486
geometric series k: 0.8177
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8531
Shannon's H: 2.3350
Good's u: 0.9977
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Cervus unicolor152100 kg grazer-browser
"Rusa unicolor"
Cervidae indet.16
medium-sized, plus 11 bovid or cervid
Muntiacus sp.161
Bos cf. sauveli83
Capricornis sp.24
Sus scrofa25254 kg herbivore
Tapirus augustus5
"Megatapirus augustus"
Tapirus indicus3
plus three indeterminate tapirids
Rhinoceros sondaicus343
Rhinoceros cf. unicornis6 grazer-browser
Dicerorhinus sumatrensis20
plus one indeterminate rhinocerotid
Elephas maximus223711 kg grazer-browser
Stegodon sp.6
Cuon alpinus514 kg carnivore
Martes sp.1
Paradoxurus sp.1
Melinae indet. 14
Melinae indet. 27
Felidae indet. 14
Felidae indet. 23
Panthera tigris7168 kg carnivore
Helarctos cf. malayanus332 kg frugivore-insectivore
Ursus thibetanus1763 kg browser-frugivore
plus 11 indeterminate Ursus
Ailuropoda melanoleuca fovealis996 kg browser
Pongo sp.25
Macaca sp.23
Colobinae indet.13
Hylobates sp.1
Hystrix sp.73
Atherurus sp.6