Oberdorf 4
Basic information
Sample name: Oberdorf 4

Reference: H. de Bruijn. 1998. Vertebrates from the Early Miocene lignite deposits of the opencast mine Oberdorf (Western Styrian Basin, Austria): 6. Rodentia 1 (Mammalia). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 99 A:99-137 [ER 2444]
Country: Austria

Coordinate: 47° 4' N, 15° 7' E
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Time interval: Early Miocene

Zone: MN4

Age basis: zone

Geography comments: "in the upper part of the section limiting the east quarry of the lignitie mine of Oberdorf to the north"; immediately east of Bårnbach according to Daxner-Höck et al. (1998) (coordinate based on Bårnbach)
"upper part of the Lower Miocene = MN4"

Substrate: ground surface

Lithology: claystone

Habitat comments: "The fossiliferous beds (lignitic clays containing bones as well as wood, seeds and gastropods) are interpreted as paleosols"

Life forms: rodents

Sampling methods: screenwash

Sample size: 273 specimens

Years: 1989

Sampling comments: collecting methods not discussed, but screenwashed according to Daxner-Höck et al. (1998)
amphibians including frogs, salamanders, and albanerpotontids are also present, but no carnivorans were found

Sample number: 2693

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2017-03-13 08:17:52

Modified: 2017-03-12 21:17:52

Abundance distribution
15 species
3 singletons
total count 273
extrapolated richness: 21.4
Fisher's α: 3.414
geometric series k: 0.7326
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8465
Shannon's H: 2.1393
Good's u: 0.9890
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.