Pipeline Road (March 1980)
Basic information
Sample name: Pipeline Road (March 1980)

Sample aka: Parque Nacional Soberania

Reference: T. E. Martin. 1985. Selection of second-growth woodlands by frugivorous migrating birds in Panama: an effect of fruit size and plant density?. Journal of Tropical Ecology 1:157-170 [ER 1162]
Country: Panama

Coordinate: 9° 10' N, 79° 45' W
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Geography comments: "along Pipeline Road in Parque Nacional Soberania... on top of a small hill between Rio Frijoles and Rio Frijolito"
coordinate based on sample 1031

Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest

Altered habitat: secondary forest

Protection: national/state park

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 27.0

MAP: 2600.0

Habitat comments: "second-growth... approximately 25 years old"
climate based on sample 1031

Life forms: birds

Sampling methods: no design,mist nets

Sample size: 107 individuals

Days: 12

Nets or traps: 13

Net or trap nights: 156

Sampling comments: "Thirteen mist-nets (12 m long, 4 shelves, 30 mm mesh) were operated" over 12 days

Sample number: 1689

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-07-07 11:16:16

Modified: 2015-07-07 01:24:09

Abundance distribution
18 species
6 singletons
total count 107
extrapolated richness: 35.6
Fisher's α: 6.196
geometric series k: 0.8156
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8467
Shannon's H: 2.2823
Good's u: 0.9444
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Tyrannus tyrannus16.5 g insectivore
Myiarchus crinitus132.1 g frugivore-insectivore
Empidonax virescens212.6 g insectivore
Empidonax traillii213.1 g insectivore-frugivore
Dumetella carolinensis935.3 g insectivore-frugivore
Hylocichla mustelina947.8 g insectivore-frugivore
Catharus ustulatus2030.3 g insectivore-frugivore
Vireo flavifrons118.0 g insectivore
Mniotilta varia210.9 g insectivore
Leiothlypis peregrina32
"Vermivora peregrina"
Setophaga magnolia1
"Dendroica magnolia"
Setophaga pensylvanica3
"Dendroica pensylvanica"
Setophaga castanea7
"Dendroica castanea"
Seiurus aurocapilla518.8 g insectivore
"Seiurus aurocapillus"
Oporornis formosus614.0 g insectivore
Oporornis philadelphia112.0 g insectivore
Piranga rubra45.5 g insectivore-frugivore
Pheucticus ludovicianus142.0 g insectivore-frugivore