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Copy of Pueblo Nuevo (interior)
Basic info

Sample name:

Also known as:

Reference: J. E. Carvajal-Cogollo and N. Urbina-Cardona. 2015. Ecological grouping and edge effects in tropical dry forest: reptile-microenvironment relationships. Biodiversity and Conservation 24:1109-1130 [ER 2257]

Please read the entire tip sheet.

Geography and chronology

Country:   State/province:   County:

large islands are > 100,000 km2 and medium-sized islands > 10,000 km2; coastal islands are within 100 km of a continent or medium- to large-sized island

Latitude:   Longitude:   Basis of coordinate:

GPS datum:   Altitude:

Formation:   Interval: Zone:
Strat section ID : Strat unit number: ordered from
Ma, or from to Ma based on
Comments on geographic location and chronology:
Natural habitat:
Altered habitat:
gardens, parks, and artificial waterways are inhabited areas
Protection:    Fragment size:
Substrate:    Lithology:

Taphonomic contexts:
cave fissure fill midden pitfall trap rock shelter settlement tar pit
aeolian deposit fluvial deposit lake deposit paleosol

Accumulation agents:
birds carnivores humans rodents

Archaeological features: bone tools buildings burials ceramics hearths
metal tools stone tools other artifacts other structures
fire suppression recent fire recent storm experimental treatments
agriculture grazing hunting mining selective logging
invasive animals invasive plants
Years since last disturbance:
MAT =  CMT =  WMT =  MART =
MAP =   dry months:
Description of environmentlithology, taphonomy, and archaeology:
Life form (= organism) categories:

Life forms with no counts:

Focal species of study (if one):

Sites:   Total site area (ha):   ... or site length and width (m):
Counts are of
Sampled by during the year(s) over days
Seasons: winter spring summer autumn dry wet or monsoon cool
Sampling methods:
 sampling design
belt transect line transect quadrat
timed no design
 nets and sieves
butterfly fyke harp hoop mist
sweep other nets sieves Winkler
baited drift fences cage Elliott emergence funnel
Havahart light malaise pan pitfall Sherman
snap sticky Tomahawk UV light other traps
auditory automatic cameras fogging
hand capture owl pellets recordings
road kill visual
quarry screenwash surface  with kg screened
Nets or traps:  Sum of days or nights left open:
Camera type:  Cameras paired?  Average spacing between traps (km):
First size range: to
Second size range: to
Enter two ranges if you will enter counts for different size classes. The first category should include either the smaller class or the entire sample. If the categories don't overlap, the first maximum should match the second minimum. Leave the maximum field(s) blank if no upper limit is defined.
Basal area
Comments on methods:
Current reference: Kowalski 1956 (ER 2370)